Digital Citizenship

Copyright and Fair Use Animation


Digital Citizen for Students

I will respect myself.

    • I will post and view information that is appropriate.
    • I will not visit sites that are inappropriate.
    • I will use my device for learning.

I will protect myself.

    • I will never publish personal details of my life online.
    • I will never publish personal details of others online.
    • I will always lock or shut down and secure my device.
    • I will never share my passwords with others.
    • I will not attempt to bypass school filters to access content that is blocked by the district.

I will respect others at all times.

    • I will not bully or harass other people online.
    • I will have permission from the classroom teacher or administration to photograph or video others and subsequently post these images or videos to the Internet.

I will protect others.

    • I will be a good digital citizen and report cyberbullying to an adult.
    • I will talk to an adult anytime something online makes me uncomfortable.

I will respect the intellectual property of others.

    • I will not plagiarize or copy information.
    • I will cite all websites, books, media, etc., that I use in projects and presentations.
    • I will not illegally download music, videos, or other items.