Senior Ads! 

Senior ads are created by you through the Jostens website! Click here to visit the Jostens website to create your Senior Ad! 


Picture day is on September 11th for Underclassmen and for those who can not attend in September the makeup date is October 3rd! 

Important Reminder!

Class photos will be hung up in the commons a few weeks following picture day. Please make sure to stop by and check for the following. 

If any of these are wrong when posted in the hallway please stop by room 326 during third period or email Ms. More. wmore@greenvilleschools.us

How to send in your pictures

This book is all about you and your memories of the year! We greatly appreciate when you send in any photos of you and your friends. To submit your pictures go to the Google Form named "Pictures for the Yearbook! 2023-2024" located under the Google Form tab at the top of the page. 

Have any more questions? 

Feel free to reach out and ask!