About Mrs. Hardin

Mrs. Hardin Intro.mp4

This is my third year of teaching and I am so excited for this school year! I graduated from North Greenville University with my bachelor's degree in Elementary Education. I did my student teaching in 3rd grade at Slater-Marietta Elementary and I have been in 4th grade here at Tigerville for the last 2 years. I am married to my awesome husband, Jake. I LOVE iced coffee and ice cream. In my free time I enjoy running, hiking, biking, thrift shopping, traveling, and reading.

This year is going to be full of exploring and learning new things. Our class is like a family. We'll stick together through everything. We'll encourage one another. Even when we make mistakes, we'll never give up. Get ready for this awesome adventure of 4th grade!

Dunkin' just happens to be my favorite iced coffee ;)

Jake and I on a beach in Bali, Indonesia.