Mrs. Gribble's Class

Class Schedule

1st Period: Creative Writing

2nd Period: English 3 CP

3rd: Period: English 3 CP

Office Hours

Mon-Thurs: 11:30 AM -12:20 PM

Fridays: 8:45 AM - 12:20 PM

Welcome to the 2020-2021 HHS school year! It is important to be aware that expectations for the HHS Virtual Program are VERY different from the expectations we had during our eLearning time last spring. Here is some helpful information you can review to better understand the HHS Virtual Program:

HHS Virtual Program

What is HHS Virtual?

The HHS Virtual Program is a school-based Virtual option for 9-12 students who are currently enrolled in Hillcrest High School. As a part of the HHS Virtual Program, students will interact virtually with their assigned Hillcrest teachers, and all coursework will be delivered virtually (there is no in-person instruction).

Curriculum & Class Structure:

  • HHS Virtual Students will be taught by certified teachers from Hillcrest High School.

  • Students will be given a โ€œnormalโ€ class schedule that has specific times for each class and that follows a traditional bell schedule.

  • Teachers will post all learning materials to Google Classroom each day but will also host live sessions for students.

  • Teachers will be hosting live sessions on Google Meet during their assigned class time every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

  • On Fridays, teachers will be available in the morning for โ€œvirtual office hours" when the teacher can respond to emails, return phone calls, or host optional live sessions.


  • Every TUESDAY, students are required to attend live sessions for ALL of their classes from start to finish.

  • Any student who misses a live session on Tuesday will be marked absent.

  • All other days, Students will be marked present after they have logged in to each of their classes and completed the attendance assignment posted on each of their classesโ€™ Google Classroom page.

  • Any student who is marked absent for two consecutive days will be contacted by a teacher.

  • If a student is regularly absent, an administrator will contact the parent or guardian of that student.

Behavioral Expectations:

  • HHS Virtual Students have the same behavioral expectations as non-virtual students, as outlined in the Student Handbook.

  • HHS Virtual Students are expected to follow all rules and expectations outlined by their virtual teacher.

  • If a student is disruptive in a live Google Meet session, the teacher may mute the student. If a student is ever muted due to behavioral issues, the teacher will contact the parent and/or guardian of the student.

  • If a student continues to be disruptive in live Google Meet sessions, they can be referred to an administrator.

Assessment & Grading:

  • Assessment and grading for HHS Virtual Students will be the exact same as it is for our in-person students.

Other Helpful Information:

  • HHS Virtual Students who are also enrolled in our Golden Strip Career Center or Fine Arts Program will still be able to attend those programs on their assigned attendance day (based on the color of their ID Badge).

  • HHS Virtual students will still have full access to all of the extracurricular activities that Hillcrest has to offer.

  • Credits earned in the HHS Virtual Program are APPROVED by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA).

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Question: Is Tuesday the only day I am required to attend each of my live sessions?

Answer: Tuesday is the only required day that is regularly scheduled. However, teachers DO have the ability to schedule other required live sessions as long as they provide students with advanced notice.

  • Question: On days other than Tuesday, do I have to log in and complete work at a specific time?

Answer: You will have the full 24 hours to complete work on days other than Tuesday. So if you want to log in at 10pm on a Thursday to complete that dayโ€™s assignment, that is okay. As long as you log in by midnight.

  • Question: Do I have to use my Chromebook or can I use a personal laptop?

Answer: You may use a personal laptop on most days, but there may be times when your teacher requires you to use your district Chromebook in order to use district software.

  • Question: Is everything due on Friday or are there specific due dates for assignments?

Answer: Your teacher can assign specific due dates for any assignments. Be sure to monitor due dates on Google Classroom and contact your teacher if you have any questions.

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