Fountain Inn High School
Attendance Office
Welcome to the Fountain Inn High School Attendance Page! I hope that you will find this information useful in answering any questions that you may have regarding your student’s attendance. Feel free to contact me if you have any additional questions or concerns.
Julie Beam, Attendance Clerk
Phone: 864-452-1801
Fax: 864-452-1825
NEW CHANGES FOR 2024-2025:
The new GCS attendance policy states that any absences in excess of 5 days per semester will not be excused without official medical documentation or approved by the principal as a lawful absence.
Reference: GSC Board Policy.
All absence notes must be submitted within 3 DAYS of the student's return to school.
Early Dismissals:
Early dismissal requests can be submitted using the link above or from the link on the homepage.
Once verified, the student and teacher will receive an email with the student's digital pass to leave through the front office at the time of the early dismissal.
Students must check their email for the pass and notify the teacher or substitute when it is time for his/her dismissal.
The attendance office must have written early dismissal requests by 9am or the Google Form submitted before 12pm; AND verbal confirmation in order to process the request.