theatre performance

Do you love telling stories? Do you come alive in front of an audience? Are you looking to take your performance skills to the next level? Are you interested in pursuing a professional acting career?

Every incoming theatre performance student begins in either Theatre Foundations or the Beginning Theatre Ensemble. Theatre Foundations gives students an opportunity to investigate the literature, techniques, and methods of theatre without the constant pressure of performing. Focus is evenly split between academic and practical applications, with daily experience in both. The Beginning Theatre Ensemble is focused on the tools and practical craft of the theatre artist, as well as college and career preparation.

After successful completion of the Beginning Theatre Ensemble, students may progress to the Advanced Theatre Ensemble and Advanced Topics in Theatre. Students' skills become more specialized, while continuing to study the larger theatrical spectrum. Performers receive in-depth training in acting, movement, voice, speech, production, and college and career preparation.

Both the Beginning and Advanced Ensembles perform regularly for public audiences in a variety of ways: formal productions, informal presentations, school showcases, and events in the community. All theatre students are encouraged to work in Greenville’s many local theatres and in their home high school programs. Field trips and guest artists add to a well-rounded theatrical education.

The Fine Arts Center of Greenville, SC was established in August of 1974 as the first specialized arts school in the state of South Carolina. Students at the Fine Arts Center are artistically talented and wish to take an intensive pre-professional program of study. Students apply and are selected on the basis of talent, interest, and commitment to their discipline and study. Students are provided advanced comprehensive arts instruction in the areas of architecture, theatre, dance, visual arts, music, creative writing, or digital filmmaking.