

WIDA W-APT (Wida Access Placement Test) is given to K5 students and students new to the state who have an additional language other than English written on the Parent Home Language Form. Students are screened and placed in appropriate services. Students receiving a score of 27 or higher on the W-APT are not considered LEP (Limited English Proficient) and are placed on a monitoring status.

WIDA - ACCESS (Accessing Comprehension and Communication in English State to State) is given to all ESOL students each Spring. Scores are sent home in the fall. Students receive a score 1-6 indicating level of English proficiency. ESOL students receive a composite score as well as a score for the domains of listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

Level 1 - Entering

Level 2 - Emerging

Level 3 - Developing

Lever 4 - Expanding

Level 5 - Bridging

Level 6 - Reaching

When a student reaches 5 or above on all 4 domains at grade 3 or above, he/she is placed in a monitoring status for two years and is not considered LEP.

ESOL students take the same standardized tests as their peers. However, LEP students entering US schools for the first time after July 1 of that academic year qualify for exemption from the ELA portion of the standardized state test given in Spring. ESOL students may be eligible to receive oral administration on some of these standardized tests as deemed appropriate and reasonable by the classroom teacher and ESOL teacher.

Grading Procedures

The ESOL teacher does not assign grades. An ESOL student performing below grade level and is receiving accommodations and/or modifications to class assignments and assessments may receive comment #86 (reflects modified curriculum) on their progress reports.

Student Records

All ESOL student records are updated at the beginning of the year and throughout the year as necessary. ESOL folders are kept inside the students' permanent records.

Homework Policy

ESOL teachers do not assign homework. However, I encourage ESOL students to borrow books, flashcards, and activities from our ESOL classroom to enjoy at home.

Communication with Parents

An ESOL teacher communicates with parents in the following ways:

Verbal and written conferencing

Parent meetings at school

Notification and Consent forms

Accommodation and Modification forms

WIDA standards (ELDS - English Language Development Standards)

ELDS 1 - English language learners communicate for social and instructional purposes with in the school setting

ELDS 2 - English language learners communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of language arts

ELDS 3 - English language learners communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of mathematics

ELDS 4 - English language learners communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of science

ELDS 5 - English language learners communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of social studies

Level 1 - Newcomer Objectives

Identify and write the letters of the alphabet and alphabetical order

Identify and write numbers from one to one hundred and ordinal numbers

Practice using basic greetings and personal information such as age, birthday, and interests

Identify colors and use colors to describe objects

Identify basic classroom objects and places in the school

Identify days of the week and months of the year

Identify and use family member vocabulary

Identify and express basic needs

Understand and give simple directions or commands

Make introductions and respond appropriately

Identify and discuss classes and subjects using days of the week and months of the year

Use greetings and expressions of courtesy in a variety of social situations

Identify and tell time

Ask questions and use the words what, when, where, who, andwhy

Identify and use some idiomatic expressions

Identify and express individual character traits

Level 2 Beginner Objectives

Continue Newcomer objectives not mastered

Express preferences, likes, and dislikes

Use vocabulary related to clothing, home, places, and transportation

Describe daily activities

Give directions

Find and give information

Take information from signs, simple reading passages, newspapers, and other reference sources

Continue previous objectives not mastered

Identify and count coins, US currency

Talk about activities in the past and future

Identify and practice using idioms

Increase vocabulary and focus on words that are easily confused

Level 3 Intermediate Objectives

Communicate on a variety of topics in social settings

Ask and answer questions

Read and respond to a variety of fiction and non-fiction stories

Identify the elements in short stories

Identify patterns in word structure

Increase vocabulary and reading skills in the content areas

Read a variety of printed material

Write for different purposes using a variety of forms

Arrange ideas in logical order

Use pronouns, adjectives, prepositions, and articles appropriately

Use a variety of reference materials such as dictionaries

Behavior Expectations

Safe: Keep hands and feet to self

Use appropriate language and voice

Listen to Directions

Orderly: Use materials as intended

Stay in assigned area and on task

Move around the room safely

Return materials to proper location

Respectful: Follow Teacher Directions

Listen to each other

Be ready to learn


Verbal affirmation and praise

Prize Box

A special note home

A special book to borrow

Consequences for violating class and school rules/policies:

Verbal warning

Change in seating during activity

Conference with Teacher/ Parent/ Administration