Submit Service Hours

Hours are to be submitted via the Google Form on the Beta Google Classroom. 

Read the instructions below for more information.

You must submit a total of 20 hours by May 1st for the whole school year. The hours must meet the following requirements:

15 hours of community service

2 hours of service to Beta Club (only events advertised as service to Beta count)

3 hours of service to Eastside High School


For every service you volunteer for, you will need to record your hours using the Google Form found in Classroom. You will be sent an email confirmation so you can keep track of your hours. We will compile the list at the end of the year to verify you completed all the required service hours to remain active in our club. 

IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS, see your Beta Sponsor BEFORE the deadline. 

BETA Club Service Hour Guidelines (READ CAREFULLY):

Beta Club Members must complete 20 total service hours per year (10 per semester). 

Hours will be verified by Beta Club Sponsors. 

20 Hours Total

15 Hours from Approved Organizations of Your Choice in the Community

Must be dedicated to helping in the community.

3 Hours of Service to Eastside High

Must be dedicated to Eastside High School, but CANNOT be an ALREADY REQUIRED activity (such as Student Government events). Hours dedicated to Eastside may include: volunteering in concession stands, setting up for sporting or academic events, or any other Eastside related volunteer opportunity. Please see a sponsor with questions. 

2 Hours of Service to Beta Club

Two of those hours must be dedicated to Beta Club. This includes being part of a committee, prepping for the state and national competitions and participating in events advertised as service to Beta. If you have a question regarding the legitimacy of your hours please see a sponsor.