Myrtle Beach, SC

Myrtle Beach, SC

Myrtle Beach, SC

In early spring, 13 students participated in the South Carolina State Beta Convention. 

The convention allows students to strengthen their academic and leadership skills, showcase their talents and artistic abilities, and interact with Senior Betas across the state. 

We are proud of ALL of our Eastside Betas! 

To the left is the list of students who placed in the top 3 of their events. They will be able to compete at the National Convention this summer in Savannah, GA!

Ms. Mathews is the State Sponsor Elect and helped to run a seamless convention. Thank you for all of your hard work! 


2nd Place: Tarika Desai - Biomedical Health Science (10th Grade)

3rd Place: Faith Collins - Biomedical Health Science (11th Grade)

2nd Place: Xinyue Zhang - Drawing (Division II)

1st Place: Sarah Walker - Hand Drawn Anime (Division II)

2nd Place: Atharva Shah - Math (11th Grade)

1st Place: Talia Eenigenburg - Onsite Painting (Division II)

1st Place: Quiz Bowl - Atharva Shah, Cort Gowen, Savannah Bailey, Austin Steadman


1st Place: Faith Collins - Color Photography (Division I)

1st Place: Rebecca Morgan - Digital Art (Division II)

1st Place: Hayes Brown - Language Arts (12th Grade)

1st Place: Atharva Shah - Math (10th Grade)

3rd Place: Gabrielle Proctor - Mixed Media (Division II)

2nd Place: Anna Payne - Onsite Drawing (Division II)

3rd Place: Sarah Bowen - Onsite Painting (Division II)

1st Place: Mary Grace Walker - Painting (Division II)

1st Place: Quiz Bowl 

1st Place: Tarika Desai - Science (9th Grade)

3rd Place: Caroline Treanor - Social Studies (10th Grade)

1st Place: Mary Grace Walker - Spanish (12th Grade)

2020-2021 - VirTual

State Secretary: David Dinh

2nd Place: Anneth Berniece Warren - Digital Art (Division I)

2nd Place: Emily Holmes Dewey - Jewelry (Division II)

3rd Place: Language Arts (10th Grade)

1st Place: Hayes Brown - Language Arts (11th Grade)

3rd Place: Paul Dilly - Math (11th Grade)

3rd Place: Rishi Desai - Math (12th Grade)

2nd Place: Atharva Shah - Math (9th Grade)

1st Place: Mary Grace Walker - Mixed Media (Division II)

2nd Place: Talia Eenigenburg - Onsite Painting (Division I)

2nd Place: Sarah Bowen - Onsite Painting (Division II)

1st Place: Talia Eenigenburg - Poetry (Division I)

1st Place: Quiz Bowl

1st Place: Jillian Witbeck - Science (11th Grade)

1st Place: Job Tan - Science (12th Grade)

2nd Place: Mary Grace Walker - Spanish (11th Grade)


3rd Place: Ann Frances Cowgill - Agriscience (12th Grade)

1st Place: Ruth Cowgill - Apparel Design

1st Place: Ann Frances Cowgill - Digital Art (Division II)

1st Place: Hayes Brown - Language Arts (10th Grade)

2nd Place: Davis Bailey - Language Arts (12th Grade)

1st Place: Mary Grace Walker - Math (10th Grade)

1st Place: Georgia Calhoun - Math (12th Grade)

1st Place: Mary Grace Walker - Mixed Media (Division I)

1st Place: Elizabeth Wienold - Mixed Media (Division II) 

1st Place: Kimberly Makrai - Onsite Drawing (Division II)

3rd Place: Sarah Bowen - Onsite Painting (Division I)

1st Place: Quiz Bowl

3rd Place: Elizabeth Wienold  - Recyclable Art (Division II)
2nd Place: Rishi Desai - Science (10th Grade)

1st Place: Timothy Nguyen - Science (12th Grade)

1st Place: Ava Gartman - Social Studies (12th Grade)

1st Place: Adam Kain - Woodworking (Division II)