Fifth Grade Syllabus

Heritage Elementary

School Year 2023-2024

Please note that the contents of this syllabus are subject to change throughout the academic year. While efforts will be made to inform students and parents of any modifications, it is advisable to regularly check for updates and announcements on our grade level communication tool or through direct communication.

Furthermore, this syllabus may not encompass all policies and procedures relevant to 5th Grade at Heritage Elementary. Additional guidelines and expectations may be communicated verbally or through written notices given to students or via electronic communication.


Fifth Grade Teachers

Mrs. Gina Scott 864-355-6028

Mrs. Kim Searcy                       864-355-6063

Mrs. Devyn Washburn 864-355-1393

Grade Level Standards:


Grading Procedures & Assessments

Weekly quizzes will be given in Spelling, Math, Proofreading and Vocabulary. Tests will be given in Science, Social Studies, Reading and Math as each unit of study is completed. Per district recommendation all assessments will be done on their district provided chromebooks through Mastery Connect and Google Classroom, therefore copies of the test are not available. Grades will be entered into Powerschool for you to view through Parent Backpack within seven days. Students should put forth their best effort on the first attempt of the assessment as retakes will not be allowed. Students may not have written homework each night but it is the expectation that they study their notebooks daily to prepare for all assessments. Students will not receive a study guide for all assessments. Teachers will review and remediate misconceptions as needed after assessments on a case by case basis. For most up-to-date information and dates regarding assessments, please refer to the electronic newsletter on our website (in the Important Information) tab. Standardized testing will be given in the spring according to the District calendar. Projects will be given in all subjects and will count as major grades.

The Greenville County School District grading scale is as follows:


90-100  A

80-89   B

70-79   C

60-69   D  

59 or lower U


Student grades will be given as an average of class work, weekly quizzes, participation, minor and major assessments.

Student Records

Student records are located near the front office. Permanent records will be reviewed at the beginning of the year for test data, special education information, and pertinent personal information. A final review is completed at the end of the year with the addition of required documentation as listed at the end of the year. 


Homework Policy

Homework is an extension of the classroom. If a student has homework, it is a result of not finishing work in class. Home projects will be assigned throughout the year. Students may not have written homework each night but it is the expectation that they study their notebooks daily to prepare for all assessments. Students will not receive a study guide for all assessments.


Missed Work/ Make-Up Policy

Students with excused absences will be allowed five school days to complete and turn in missed assignments.  Assignments that the student misses will be given to them on the day they return.  Work will be provided in advance only in medical/homebound based situations.  Major assessments will be made up with the students on an individual basis.  

If a student is pulled out of the classroom for additional services, the student is expected to complete the work they missed while out of the classroom.  The student will need to check in with each teacher for the coursework missed, as well as asking for deadlines and missed assessments.  We expect the students to learn to advocate for themselves in communicating with the teachers, and strive for this to be the student's responsibility.  


Attendance and Tardy Policy

According to South Carolina State Compulsory Laws, students are expected to attend school at least 170 days. Any more than 10 absences must be accompanied by a doctor’s excuse. Tardy children must stop in the office to receive a permit to enter class. In order to qualify for perfect attendance, a student must not have more than three tardies or more than three early dismissals over one-half of the day.  Attendance will be taken when the bell rings.


Rules for Student Behavior

Students are expected to follow all classroom, school-wide, and district agreements at all times. These are found in the school handbook, as well as posted in the classroom and will be sent home.

School agreements: Students will be at a zero level when walking in the hallways, during dismissal, as well as while music is playing in the cafeteria.  These are mutual agreements with the students, faculty and staff.

Consequences and Rewards

 Individuals who break classroom contracts will be given one warning, followed by reflection time at recess. Severe disruptions will result in the contact of parents and possible removal from the classroom. Students exhibiting positive behaviors will be rewarded with individual rewards throughout the year.


Procedures for Non-Instructional Routines

Students will be allowed to use the restroom at their own will. Students will sign out in the classroom to let the teacher know where the student is, and sign back in upon returning to the classroom. 

The whole class will eat lunch together in the school cafeteria.  When dismissed by tables, students will clean their areas and dispose of their waste. They will then form a single-file line for an orderly departure of the cafeteria area.

Recess will be according to the daily schedule.  The students will play safely in the field or basketball area.

Presentation of Rules and Procedures

Rules and procedures will be presented to students and parents during the first week of school and reviewed on a regular basis.  Rules will be on display in the classroom for students to see daily. 

Field Trips

Students are expected to follow all classroom, school-wide, and district agreements at all times and this carries over to learning experiences held outside of the classroom.  Students will be reminded of these expectations prior to travel, and throughout the traveling learning experience. Various field trips will take place throughout the school year, allowing for hands-on learning and unique opportunities both in and out of our school building. Most trips occuring during school hours will be completed without additional chaperones needed, but parents will be notified if chaperone positions are available. 

For larger trips taking place outside of school hours, there will be an opportunity for parents to join as chaperones.  The number of chaperones available will be determined by the number of slots available after students have the first chance to register.  If more chaperones are interested than there are spaces available, a random drawing will be held to determine who joins us on the trip.  Students who do not have a immediate family member joining on the trip will be assigned to a chaperone group based on various factors (including, but not limited to: numbers, space, gender, behavior, personalities, medical needs).  All group/bus placements are teacher discretion. Parent requests for chaperone and/or group members will not be accepted, as they cannot all be accommodated outside of our teacher discretion on the creation of groups.  All chaperones must be Volunteer II certified through the district screening program in advance of the trip date. 


Communication with Parents

Communication is established with parents at Back to School Night. Teachers will use a digital platform to communicate with parents as well as via email. A beginning of the year letter with rules and expectations is also sent. Conferences are held at the end of the first nine weeks and then as needed throughout the year. Progress reports, newsletters, and parent information go home in Tuesday folders, weekly. Happy grams, post cards, phone calls, e-mails, or other means of praise are sent to different students on a weekly basis, also. 


year at a glance 19-20