Professional Development and Certification Information

Professional Development


My Responsibilities: Each year, I must earn 24 professional development credits. Schools are asked to provide 12 of these through professional development activities. I will also set a yearly professional development goal, which can be a goal that helps me to learn more instructional strategies with my SLO.

Exchange Days...what is this?

Each year our district offers 2 exchange days for staff. This year our 2 exchange day offerings are:

Friday, October 20

Friday, February 16

To take an exchange day, you must exchange 7 hours of off contract time. This can be earned in PD sessions that take place after 3:30, extended approved PD on the weekend (out of district points), or in the previous summer after June 6. An hour is a point. As you register for PD on the portal, you designate whether you want PD or exchange day points.

It is important to remember that you only have 5 days after the PD session takes place to decide or change the way you want your PD to count.


Professional Development Opportunities

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Renewing My Certificate...Updates and Procedures

Renewing My Technology Endorsement...NEW updates
