Conscious Discipline

We follow a classroom management style created by Dr. Becky Bailey that is based on the latest neuroscience called Conscious Discipline.

Conscious Discipline is "a comprehensive, trauma-informed, brain-based, self-regulation program that combines discipline, social and emotional learning and school culture into one integrative process."

We begin EVERY class with a Brain Smart Start. This begins with an Activity to Unite where our goal "is to bring this scattered energy into a more congruent and cohesive whole." This is followed by an Activity to Disengage Stress because "when stressed, the higher centers of the brain shut do all higher order learning." Next, there is an Activity to Connect. "Without the student's willingness to want to solve the problem, the problem is unsolvable." Finally, we do an Activity to Commit. A commitment spoken out loud increases the likelihood of follow through. Commitments come from claiming our inner power.

Ask your child about the way we begin class each day.