Honors Chemistry

Glencoe Chemistry: Matter & Change

Student Classroom Procedures

Entering the room

  • Greet Dr. Corbett cordially

  • Go directly to your seat and take out your materials

    • The default would be to open your Chromebook and go to our Google Classroom

  • Begin the bell work on the board

    • All of your focus should be on that work; this is not social hour


  • You should use the restroom between classes

  • You will have to use one of their limited restroom passes

  • Don’t even ask me to use the restroom if you don’t have an agenda in hand for me to sign

  • You will not be able to leave during whole-class activities (e.g. note-taking, etc.)

Getting out of your seat

  • There is no need to get out of your seat to throw away trash. Keep it on your desk and throw it out as you exit the classroom.

  • Getting out of your seat to talk to a friend is not acceptable unless permission is given. Don’t do it.

  • In general, you’re not going to be using pencils, so having to sharpen one shouldn’t come up often. Sharpen your pencils before class.

  • No one is allowed to go into the lab unless directed to do so.

    • Don’t childishly grab something from someone and run back there. It will not go well for you.

Getting help

  • In general, your procedure for getting help will be as follows

      • Ask your seat partner

      • Ask your group

      • Ask me or another person to whom I have directed you.

  • Do not just yell my name out if you want help; there’s an excellent chance I’m helping someone else already. Ask me when I’m done with them and then ask. I’m going to ignore you otherwise.

Leaving class

  • I know it’s a bit of a trope, but the bell doesn’t dismiss you. I do.

  • Do not start packing up until I’ve said that it is okay to do so.

Note Taking

  • When we are doing notes, I’ll try to make it as quick and concise as I can. Talking to your peers during this time ruins that objective. It is not acceptable to just start talking to people because you’ve finished writing what may be on the board. It annoys me and slows down the whole process; don’t waste everyone’s time


  • Specific instructions will be given regarding the following categories:

    • What level of talking is acceptable and with whom

    • How you will get help

    • What is expected as a product

    • How you are allowed to move around the room or get materials

    • What the participation expectations are