English 3 CP 

Reminder: The school district's cell phone/personal device policy applies in all classes. 


Based on input provided from schools across the District, including ours, Greenville County Schools has updated the Administrative Rule JCDA with the goal of creating a more consistent practice regarding the use of personal electronic devices during the school day. Beginning January 4, 2024, personal electronic devices cannot be used by high school students in classrooms during the instructional day. All personal devices must remain out of sight of others during this time. Students may use personal electronic devices during class changes, lunch, and other times outside of the classroom during the instructional day unless directed differently by the principal or principal’s designee. The instructional day for high schools has been defined as 8:45 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. The instructional school day for other special centers shall be determined by the location administrator in accordance with the instructional activities of that facility. Students not adhering to this policy could face disciplinary action in accordance with Board Policy JCDA. 

Lesson Plans

This is an active document, subject to change. Please click on the month at the bottom of the spreadsheet to find the current lesson plans. 

Parents, if you would like to see specific information about assignments and due dates, please email me at scoppenbarger@greenvilleschools.us

Copy of English 3 CP Lesson Plan Calendar
Coppenbarger E3CP Syllabus 2023-24