Intermediate Programming

Lesson Plans


Course Description:

The CodeHS Introduction to Programming with Karel the Dog course teaches students the basics of programming by giving commands to a computer just like you give commands to a dog. Karel is a dog that lives in a grid world and can be instructed to move around and pick up and put down tennis balls. Students will learn JavaScript commands, functions, and control structures by solving puzzles and writing creative programs for Karel to follow. 

The content is a mix of web-based and physical activities. Students will write and run code in the browser, and engage in in-person collaborative exercises with classmates.

Student Learning Outcomes:

By the successful completion of this course, you will be able to:

Course Outline

First Quarter

Second Quarter

Required Materials:

Class Expectations:

Course Policies:

Grading Practices

Late Work Policy

Retake Policy

Retake is available for major grades in a quarter when a student’s major assignment grade is below 60%. Students have five (5) school days to complete the following and retake the assessment.

Makeup Work Policy

Bathroom Policy