About Ms. Meihls
Ms. Meihls is a mom, artist, coffee addict, lover of all things outdoors and a pretty good cook. This is her 3rd year at Eastside and 12th year with Greenville County School District . She has taught every grade from kindergarten to college. Her educational background includes The North Carolina School of the Arts (high school); The School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston (work towards BFA), Methodist University in North Carolina (BFA in Ceramics) and The University of South Carolina in Columbia (MFA concentration in Mixed Media Drawing). She has also had a career in retail; owning and operating both a retail store and a coffee shop/deli in Columbia, SC . Ms. Meihls has 2 kids ~ both are Eastside graduates.
Teaching Philosophy
Art Education provides students with new avenues for communication and making connections to their world. Art Education is essential for equipping students with necessary tools to navigate our visual culture and society. Self-expression through the arts gives students the opportunity to find their voice and develop their unique talents. Through making and studying art, students will learn important life-skills such as team work, problem solving and self-expression. Students will learn that there can be more than one answer to a problem. ALL students have the ability to achieve their goals when exposed to a positive, safe environment filled with experimentation and laughter.
Art Fees: All visual arts classes require an art fee. Fees cover all consumable materials you will use during the course. Please pay all fees online @ My School Bucks . My School Bucks can be found on the Eastside Homepage.
Semester 1 Art fees due are due by August 30th. Unpaid fees will be reported to DEBTS.
Semester 2 Art fees are due by January 31st. Unpaid fees will be reported to DEBTS.
Be sure you pay the appropriate class fee:
Art 1 with Meihls $20.00
Crafts (Unified Arts) $20.00
Ceramics 1 , 2 & 2H $30.00
Semester 1 Daily Schedule:
1st period 8:45- 10:15 Planning
2nd period 10:20-11:55 Crafts (Unified Arts)
1st Lunch 12:00 - 12:35
3rd period 12:35-2:05 Ceramics 1
4th period 2:10-3:40 Ceramics 1
Semester 2 Daily Schedule:
1st period 8:45-10:15 Planning
2nd period 10:20-11:55 Ceramics 1
1st Lunch 12:00 - 12:35
3rd period 12:35-2:05 Ceramics 2 & 2H
4th period 2:10-3:40 Art 1
What are we learning? Click this link to find out: SC College & Career Ready Standards for Visual Arts Please see the informational "handouts" attached below and check Google Classroom for daily announcments & assignments.
NEED EXTRA TIME? Open Studio Every Morning 7:45 - 8:40
& Tuesdays & Thursdays After School by Appointmnet ONLY!
Helpful Handouts
(click on the docs below)

The folowing are items frequently used in the art studio that can be found around the house:
old cotton tshirts (rags)
old gift cards or membership cards
small plastic containers with lids
plastic grocery bags