
Art 2 Syllabus 

 Description of Course


This course provides students with two and three-dimensional design experiences and opportunities to apply these principles in individual artistic expressions. Drawing from observation and developing technical competency are emphasized. Periodic class critiques and the maintenance of a sketchbook and portfolio are required. Topics covered include but are not limited to portraiture, graphics, advertising, and display techniques. PREREQUISITE: Art 1 or another Visual Arts course 


Required Supplies:    The students have the option to purchase their own supplies. The supply list is below.  They have the option to purchase better quality materials to start an artist tool box of their own.  I will have class supplies for each assignment.  I  may ask students for different supplies as the year progresses.  Students will be notified in advanced for those specific materials or supplies.  


6.  There will be miscellaneous materials which will be needed thru out the year.  The students will be notified as they are required.

7.  The students will need oil pastels at some point on the year.  They will be notified when the time comes.


**I am great full for those of you who purchase your own supplies.  It also guarantees that you will have the materials you had the day previous.... I do have class supplies for each unit.**


Donated supplies are worth extra credit.

Tissues, egg cartons, Pencils , Material, buttons,  ribbon, Magazines, newspaper, yarn, wall paper.....etc.....                


Grading Procedures and Assessments

Minor Assessments 40%, Major Assessments 60%

Minor assessments include studies, exercises, preliminary activities and research. (Minimum of 11)

Major assessments include large-scale projects and unit end tests. (Minimum of 3)


For the final grade, each quarter is worth 40% and the final exam (cumulative for the semester) is worth 20%.  A student must make a final grade of 77 or higher in order to take advanced level art courses.


The following district-wide grading scale will be used for this class:

90-100 A      80-89 B      70-79 C      60-69 D      Below 60 is an F


Work that is late will be penalized by the following schedule:

10 points a day reduction in the final grade.  Anything handed in after 5 days will result in a grade not higher than a 50.

This Woodmont policy.

Extra Credit:  Bring in supplies as listed above.  Each is worth 5 points that will be added to a minor grade. (Capped at 20 pts. per marking period).

Attend an art event and write a one page reflection paper, bring in documented material, create a power point, give a class demonstration.  This is worth 10 points to a major grade. (Capped at 20 pts per marking period)

Behavior Expectations


Violations of any of the above expectations will result in negative consequences such as parent contact and disciplinary referrals.

Daily Procedures:

Each student will come to class prepared to work.  The students will read the Promethean Board upon arrival and follow the posted instructions for the day.  They will do daily assignments in their sketchbooks/binders that will be a minor grade at the end of the allotted time or continue along on the major project.  The students will clean up no earlier than 5 minutes left to class or when Ms. Kronyak instruction clean up to begin. 

Time Out Of Class: 

Students are given Five out of class passes each semester.   Six and Seven out of class will result in an Lunch detention.  Eight violations will be a referral to administration and ISS.   Nine and beyond will result in a referral to administration and OSS.

We are now working with computer program that takes the place of hall passes.  Smart pass is a program that records who goes where and when,


Bottled water is allowed in the art classroom.  Other food and liquids are prohibited. 

Earbuds use will be not permitted in class. 

Phones will only be used, for instructional purposes.


Homework Procedures

There will be no assigned homework.  Students will complete missing work or if they fall behind on the daily schedule set for the unit, will catch up on their own time.

There will be required info, research, sketches or practice work which will be announced.  This will be clarified at the beginning of the school year and unit introduction.

There will be a journal check at the end of each unit to ensure the student has completed all the steps of the design process.  A sample of the sketchbook check list is as follows:


Sketchbook Check List, Design Protocol     Art II


Sketchbook Grade: 

Make-up Work

Students who miss class will be given one week to make up work.  It is the student’s responsibility to make up the work they have missed.  The work in this class is heavily project-based and often can only be completed in the classroom.   Ms. Kronyak is available before and after school and lunch if a student needs extra time to complete missed work.

Parent Contact

Parents will be contacted through e-mail, phone calls, conferences, and progress reports.

Course Outline

The Art II curriculum is based on SC Visual Arts Standards and focuses on 5 major areas of study:  Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, Pen and Ink and Art History.