About Miss Arndt

My name is Courtney Arndt, and I am very excited to be your 2nd grade teacher this year. I graduated from the University of South Carolina Upstate with my Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education in 2018 and completed my Master's Degree in Literacy with a focus in English to Speakers of Other Languages from Clemson University in 2022. I have spent the majority of my life here in Greenville, SC, and I am extremely blessed to be working in this great city. I am the oldest of four siblings and love spending time with my family. When I am not teaching, I enjoy running and being outside, shopping at Target or Hobby Lobby, and reading suspense/mystery books. 

When I taught 4th grade, my students loved going on field trips! We have some FUN field trips and activities planned for this year too! 

In the summer of 2021, I went to Kenya with 20 other teachers from all over the United States. We saw lots of animals in their habitat. I also spend time in schools learning about Kenya's school system. Our schools are very different but similar in many ways! Last summer, I was able to visit Jamaica and meet students there too. This summer, I was all over Europe with teachers learning about life in France, Greece, Switzerland, and Spain! 

I can't wait to hear about your summer! 😊


Elephant Orphanage, Kenya

Giraffe Centre, Kenya

Losho Primary School, Kenya

Teaching has been a dream of mine since I was in the 4th grade. My goal this year is for all students to grows nine months in their educational journey.