About Our Chapter

NHS Officers 2023-24

PRESIDENT: Caroline Morris

VICE-PRESIDENT: Marissa Cannon

SECRETARY: Cali Plotts

TREASURER: Alyssa Davis

Event Coordinator: Kaelyn Austin

The National Honor Society is a nationwide organization under the auspices of the Association of Secondary School Principles. The process of acquiring new members for the Blue Ridge High Chapter of the National Honor Society begins soon after school starts. New members are chosen from the Junior and Senior classes. Membership in the National Honor Society involves much more than grades. Students must have a cumulative GPR of 4.25 or higher, but membership also requires Leadership Ability, Excellent Character and equally important; Service to the Community. There is also a $20 per year membership fee.

Those inducted into the Blue Ridge High NHS must keep up their grades, maintain an excellent standard of character and leadership, and complete 30 hours of service per year.  No more than 5 service hours can be counted with any specific event per semester: for example, Soup Kitchens 

Students who graduate in good standing with receive the NHS will get to wear the distinctive stole and tassel at graduation. 

Our hope is that these students, our future leaders, will be motivated to always be looking for ways they can contribute to their community. 

**Please send questions about NHS to Advisors; Ms. Tasha Epley, Mrs. Crystal Grant, or Dr. Wanda Queen.