STEM in action

4K-1st Grade STEM

Fall 2023

ABC Boom-Boom Tree

After reading the book Chicka-Chicka Boom Boom, students used magnetic letters, craft sticks, and a paper roll to create a balanced model. 

4th-5th  Grade STEM

Fall 2023

Critter Racers

Supplies included: construction paper, streamers,  paper plate, straws, tape, and plastic wheels.

After learning about simple machines, students were tasked with creating a paper plate critter racer.

2nd-3rd Grade STEM

Fall 2023

Coffee Filter Parachute 

After reviewing the Engineering Design Process, students were tasked with creating a parachute with only a  coffee filter, string, and craft sticks. 

Grades 2nd-3rd

Paper plate marble maze

Using only paper, tape, and cardboard students designed a paper plate marble run. 

Jack & The Beanstalk STEM 

Grades 4K-1st

After reading the story of Jack and the Beanstalk students were challenged to design a model of the castle. Additionally, students  created a "beanstalk" out of a variety of building supplies 

Paper plate coaster

4th-5th Grades

Potential and Kinetic Energy  exploration

With only a paper plate, tape, construction paper, and a cup students were tasked with creating a model of a coaster. 

1st-2nd Grade

Cup, Lego, and Craft Stick Bridges

After learning about how bridges are built to withstand a large amount of weight, students created a model using provided supplies. 

Grades 4th-5th 

Code with Dash

Students were tasked with adding obstacles to represent road blocks on a grid. Then programed Dash to create a new route to get to school on time. 

Leaf Animal Models

Grades 4K-1st

After reading the book The Leaf Man, students designed and engineer models of a favorite animal using leaves and glue. 

K-1st Gingerbread Disguise Engineering 

Using construction paper , fabric,  and a few special extras, students engineered a way to disguise a  gingerbread . 

A cute duck created by a 5K student. 

Woof! Can you see me?