

If you are out due to sickness, please keep up with your assignments in Google Classroom.   For Science, all worksheets will be attached to the daily assignment and can be completed using Kami (for PDF's) or the attached document.  Email me with any problems or questions.  All paper copies that need to be added to your Science folder will be available in the classroom upon your return.  

Inclement weather/school closure:

For the purpose of inclement weather days, eLearning is defined as live instruction throughout the day. This live instruction may be whole group, small group, and/or individual sessions similar to the Virtual Program instruction. 

If a class or school has to be quarantined, teachers are expected to deliver live instruction throughout the day and students are expected to join the live classes. Teachers should follow their normal schedule to deliver instruction. 

Students can find the link to the Google Meet for their class period posted in the daily assignment in Google Classroom.  

Helpful Websites:

Savvas EasyBridge - online textbook  - Gizmos 

Google Classroom