
Daily Schedule 

Daily Schedule for Mrs. Bailey's Class




Lexia or Xtra Math




Reading Lesson (Brevetta)


Word Study (Brevetta)






Guided Reading








Read Aloud/ Dismissal

Instructional Materials, Resources, and Required Texts

 First grade instructional materials include: pencils, markers, crayons, glue, scissors, construction paper, magazines, folders, craft supplies, computers, Promethean Board, pocket charts, books/big books, index cards, sentence strips, lined paper, chart paper, posters, audio tapes/CDs, math manipulatives, maps/globes, and journals.

 First grade curriculum includes: SAVVAS for Reading, BIG Ideas math, New Science and Social Studies Curriculum this year, Greenville County Science kits, Fountas and Pinnell Reading


Major Assessments (for Reading, Spelling, Math, Science, Social Studies)

 Reading – Guided Reading groups and time to read independently, Fountas & Pinnell Benchmarking for Reading level.  Kindergaren goal is Level D end of year.  First Grade goal is Level J for end of the year.

Spelling - High frequency words

 Writing- Writing samples will be given throughout the year.

Math – District unit tests will be given. Fast facts test on addition/subtraction facts will be given periodically until mastery is reached.

 Science/Health/Social Studies - assessments as needed


Grading Scale

M     Exceeds Standard—independently uses/applies knowledge with little or no support; 

indicates unusually high achievement

P      Meets Standard—demonstrates grade expectations for concepts and skills; has 

achieved end of year goals for the grade  level 

B      Making Sufficient Progress—making progress toward achieving skills and learning end of year goals

N      Not Yet Making Progress—struggles to demonstrate progress; needs additional support/extra review

Blank          skill has not been assessed or introduced 

Yearly Benchmarks:


Related Arts (Art, Music and Physical Education) will be evaluated by using the following descriptors:

 M           Meets standards

 P            Progressing towards standards


Evaluation/Assessments of Student Progress

Math –District unit tests will be given at the end of each unit as well as  teacher-made quizzes and quick checks.

Phonics –

Spelling – high frequency words

Reading – Benchmarking using the Fountas and Pinnell Benchmarking Kit, 

running records and comprehension quizzes, antidotal records, and checklists

Writing – Teacher will use rubrics for assessing and collect writing samples throughout the year

Science/Health/Social Studies – assessments, End of Unit assessments, quizzes and activities


               checked daily, sometimes students will need to fix homework




Interim Progress Reports 

2nd Quarter Report........................ 

3rd Quarter Report........................

4th Quarter Report.........................

Report Cards

1st Report Card...............................October  20

2nd Report Card............................ January 19

3rd Report Card...............................March 30

4th Report Card............................ June 2


Homework (what, when, homework folders)

 Homework is an extension of the classroom. It helps provide needed practice while developing responsibility and maturity.  The parents’ role is to provide time and space for quiet, productive work and to provide encouragement and reinforcement.  Homework assignments will be given Monday through Thursday and will consist of math, spelling, and reading.  Homework should not take more than thirty minutes and will be turned in at the beginning of the school day.

Homework/Communication Folders

 One side of the folder is for work or papers to be returned to school and the  other side of the folder is for papers to stay at home.  Please help your child organize accordingly.  Please check folders daily!  Also, check backpacks frequently to  keep them clean.


Missed Work/Make-up Work

 Students will be allowed five school days to complete work missed following an absence. 


On November 27, 2003, State Department of Education Regulation 43-274 (Student Attendance) was amended to outline truancy definitions. They are:

1. Truant: A child aged 6 to 17 years meets the definition of a truant when the child has three (3) consecutive unlawful absences or a total of five (5) unlawful absences.

2. Habitual Truant: A child, aged 12 to 17 years, who fails to comply with the intervention plan developed by the school, the child, and the parent/guardian and who accumulates two or more additional unlawful absences. This child may need court intervention and an initial truancy petition may be filed.

3. Chronic Truant: A child, aged 12 to 17 years who has been through the school intervention process, has reached the level of habitual truant, has been referred to Family Court and placed on an order to attend school, and continues to accumulate unlawful absences. Should other community alternatives and referrals fail to remedy the attendance problem, the chronic truant may be referred to the Family Court for violation of a previous court order.

Once a student ages 6 to 17 has accumulated three (3) consecutive unlawful  absences or a total of five unlawful absences, a disciplinary entry is made in SASI classifying the student as a truant. The parent will be contacted by a school administrator, an intervention conference will be held, and an improvement plan will be written. Elementary students will remain at the “truant” level even if additional unlawful absences occur.

Classroom Behavior plan (rules, consequences, reward system)

Each child is in a house for our house system (red, blue, yellow, purple, black and green).  They can earn points all day long!

Classroom behavior will be handled on an individual, as needed basis.  Phone calls and/or meetings will be held as needed.  I like to focus more on the positive.  Students will earn house points for great choices!

Non-Instructional Procedures and Routines

Morning Routine:

·         Hang up backpacks at desks on desk hooks.  Coats may be hung up on cubby hooks.

·         Unpack book bags and place folder in green basket.

           Use the bathroom and wash hands.

·         Eat breakfast in the classroom.  

          After breakfast, students may work on XtraMath and then Lexia quietly.  This will continue with morning work as guided reading groups are called.  Some students also have ABC Mouse to work on.

Restroom Procedures:

·         I encourage students to wash their hands when they come to school.  They may also use the bathroom as needed while they are eating breakfast and while they are working on Chromebooks.

·         Students may use the bathroom as needed by using the bathroom signal.  It should not be during instruction unless it is an emergency.  We do have a bathroom in  our classroom so it is important students are responsible when they use the bathroom and check for possible “messes” in the restroom before washing their hands.  Students should wash their hands each time with soap and water after using the bathroom.

Leaving the Room:

When instructed, you will make certain that your desk and cubby is in order.

·         Stand up and push chair under.

·         WALK quietly to the door and line up. (S&Q)

·         The line leader will not leave the room until everyone is in proper order, in a straight line, facing forward, keeping hands to themselves (behind back), and quiet.

·         When instructed, the line-leader will lead the class out the door and down the hallway.

·         The last person (caboose) to leave the room will turn off the lights and close the door.

·         Once in the hallway, the line rules should be followed. There should be space between each student. There should be no hands on the walls, no running, and no talking.

 End of Day Procedures:

·         At 2:10 pm, students will be permitted to pack-up for dismissal.

·         Students will put all necessary materials into their book bags. 

·         All trash should be placed into the trashcan.

·         Chairs will be stacked on top of desks.

·         Finally, students will be dismissed by the teacher, not the bell. Students will not be permitted to leave until End of Day Procedures have been followed. 

Fire Drills:

In the event of a fire drill, the students will line up at the door. We will go out the door and to the right to the Kindergarten playground, unless told differently.  We will line up where it is safe, a safe distance from the school, allowing emergency vehicles access to our building.  The students will exit the building and stand in the playground, in a line, with their backs facing the building. The students should remain silent during the entire drill. The red bag and class roster will be brought with the teacher. The teacher will take roll and hold up the green card if every student is present. If a child is missing or absent, the teacher will hold up the red card, and tell the appropriate person who is missing and where about if known.  Drills will be practiced monthly so we know what to do.

Tornado Drills:

In the event of a tornado drill, the students will line up at the door. We will go out the door to the left. The students will kneel down with their hands covering their heads. The students should remain silent during the entire drill. The red bag and class roster should be brought with the teacher.

Lockdown Procedures:

In the event of a school lockdown, students will all get away from doors and windows. The teacher will lock and close the door. If we are in our classroom, we will be in the classroom bathroom with the classroom door locked and the bathroom door locked.

Communication with Parents/Guardians:

24 Hour Policy: Teacher will respond to all phone calls and/or emails within 24 hours during the work week.

Teacher Website/Webpage: The teacher will create a classroom webpage to communicate with parents. Parents/guardians can learn more about the teacher, upcoming events, and classroom experiences.

Conferences: If parents have concerns, I will be happy to arrange a conference at any time during the year.

Teacher Contact Information: Phone 864-355-3319 Email