Fine Arts Center Audition Workshops


Who should attend an audition workshop?  Any student who is auditioning for an FAC program who wants more in-depth information on the process.  

Students can apply for up to three programs at the FAC, however; due to limited space, we ask that students select ONE workshop to attend so that other students have access to these opportunities.


Audition workshops are FREE for FAC applicants.  We will go over the steps to complete the pre-screen (if applicable) and in-person audition.  In some cases, students can receive feedback on how they are preparing for their audition.


Workshops will take place at the Fine Arts Center on Saturday, November 23, 2024.

The workshops begin at 10:00 a.m. and will be either one or two hours in length, depending on the area of study.  Full information will be on the sign up page.

Parents are responsible for transportation. Please note that workshops are for students, so parents should plan to drop off and pick up their child.  We do not have the building capacity to have parents wait in the Fine Arts Center for their child.


Reserve your spot by completing the Sign-Up Genius located on the sub-page of the program that you are applying for.  

Click on the arts area below to access the Audition Workshop Sign Up Page