Art with Mrs. Radke
Hello All!
I am so excited for all that we will learn and create in Art this year!
Elementary Art - 2024-2025
You may contact me through: Your child's Google Classroom, gmail, phone or my email:
My hours are: 7:30am-2:45pm.
Our Purpose
The purpose of Robert E. Cashion Elementary School is to provide students the best opportunity to learn the academic and social skills necessary to become competent, responsible, and dependable citizens.
Our Mission
The mission of Robert E. Cashion Elementary School is to prepare students to become competent and responsible individuals.
Our Vision
Robert E. Cashion Elementary School provides an academically challenging program in a safe, caring, and nurturing environment.
Our Values & Beliefs
We Believe... All students can learn. Learning is a priority.
Curriculum and instruction must be standards driven, uniform within each grade level, and articulated across grade levels.
Teachers and students should hold high expectations of the teaching and learning process. Mastery level teaching and learning are the desired outcomes of this process.
Children must be prepared to take their place in a changing world using technology and all available tools to become a functioning member of society.
Children must learn the skills necessary to be self-directed life-long learners.
Children have the right to learn in a safe, orderly, and nurturing environment.
There are absolute standards of responsible citizenship and inappropriate behavior solicits corrective feedback or clearly stated consequences.
Quality education is a cooperative process involving the home, the community, and all school personnel.
School staff is committed to continuous improvement in all aspects of the school environment.
Student performance should be assessed in a variety of ways. Assessment should reflect instructional content, strategies, and the developmental level of the child.
An effective teacher has adequate materials and administrative support.
The teacher’s time should be focused on instruction and meeting all students’ needs.
Teachers should be given flexibility with instructional methods as they evaluate and incorporate new ideas.
The total school environment needs to be inviting and stimulating in order to create eager learners.
All cultures have value.
Everyone is unique and worthy of respect.