
  1. Students, you should login to Google Meets through Google Classroom. You will access Google Classroom by logging into your email account through GCS. Then click on the image of the 9 dots on the top right. Choose Google Classroom. You will find access to the meets in the top banner of Homeroom Class.

  2. Students should mute their microphones when it is not their turn to speak.

  3. Live lessons will be recorded and posted by the end of the day in case you need to watch at a later time.

  4. Students should dress and behave in a school appropriate way. Be aware of your surroundings and what is in the background of your screen. This is a classroom, so please limit distractions.

  5. Anything on the Internet can be copied, so please follow GCS's electronic device policy. Remember, you could be subject to disciplinary action if you do not follow the policy.

  6. Students should use the chat feature for relevant discussions only.

  7. Parents, GCS requests that you not login to the meetings in place of your child. You are welcome to sit with them, but you should not participate for them. Parents are also asked not to address the teacher or other students during the meetings. Any questions or concerns from parents should be directed to the teacher through email, or phone call.

Email: apbair@greenville.k12.sc.us

Phone: (864) 355-8022