Mrs. Allison's Syllabus

Mrs. Allison’s Syllabus

Room 106

Robert E. Cashion Elementary School


Grade Level Standards in Each Subject

South Carolina State Standards for all areas of the curriculum for First Gr ade can be found on the website:

Long Range Plans for first grade at Robert E. Cashion can be viewed by clicking on the link:

Long Range Plans (LRP) are subject to change due to student and individual class needs.

Instructional Materials and Resources

Laptops, Promethean Board, IPads, LeapFrog Learning Tablets, Textbooks, Journals, Workbooks, Various Paper Products, Manipulatives, Student Library Books, Teacher Instructional Texts, Big Books Listening Center, Board Games, Various Literacy Center Materials, Various Writing Tools, Science Kits, Raz Kids Interactive E-Books, First In Math Interactive E-Games

Major Assessment/Grades: Evaluation of Student Progress

First Grade Report Card Parent Guide

First Grade Report Card Parent Guide Spanish

Common District and School Assessments, as well as teacher observations will be used to determine student progress in first grade. Teachers will use the following grading scale:

Student Records

Grade Book Report Cards State Assessment Permanent Records Teacher Records

Homework Policy

Each student should read ten minutes nightly, fill in reading log. A spelling menu item should be completed nightly or if another activity is used to practice words a note with activity listed from parent is also accepted. As long as your child is practicing words, it does not matter to me what activity it is. I check homework and reading log on Fridays. There may be special homework and projects given during the school year. When a special homework assignment is given, a due date and directions will be provided.

Missed Work/Make-Up Policy

Students are given the opportunity to make up missed class work for a period of 5 days. Most activities cannot be made up since they require hands-on activities and group work. Tests may made up when the student returns to school.

Attendance and Tardy Policies

Students need to attend school regularly due to the cumulative nature of lessons taught. Excused and unexcused absences are noted on the student’s attendance record by the office. . If a student has more than one unexcused tardy and/or dismissal per nine weeks, perfect attendance will not be earned. A student must attend school for 3 hours to be considered present. Any early dismissals before 11:00am, will be counted as an absence.

Presentation of Rules and Procedures

The rules and classroom procedures are introduced the first days of school and reviewed daily. They are reinforced continuously throughout the school year.

Discipline Policy

Classroom Rules:

1. Keep a safe classroom

2. Be an active learner

3. Follow directions

3. Respect everyone.

Shoot for the Stars Management System

In our classroom, we shoot for the stars. I practice positive enforcement in my classroom. I reward all my stars by:

1. Participation in classroom reward activities, such as games

2. Positive Reinforcement (praise, thumbs-up, hug, etc.)

3. Good reports

4. Treats

5. Stickers

6. Stamps

7. Choice of Trip to the Treasure Bucket, Eat Lunch with a Friend from another first grade class or Show and Tell

If you child is having difficulty following our class rules, He will be given a warning then he will be asked to write about his bad choice and how could it been handled differently. Recess maybe limited to certain areas or walking. If the problem persists, I will contact the parent. A referral to administration may be used when necessary.

Procedures for Non-Instructional Activities

Outdoor Recess: The children will be going outside everyday for 20 minutes, unless it is raining or extremely cold/hot. Please keep this in mind when dressing your child for the day. Please also consider this when selecting your child’s shoes. Cowboy boots and some little girl’s dress shoes are less than ideal if your child chooses to run and climb. These types of shoes can make walking, running and playing difficult.. For the most part, if your child is well enough to be at school, he/she is well enough to participate in outdoor recess, if properly dressed.

Playground Rules:

1. No fighting or hitting.

2. No throwing rocks, sand, grass, mulch, or sticks.

3. No kicking the dirt.

4. No climbing on fence or opening gate doors.

5. No football. No matter how much I remind the students, football usually turns into tackling.

6. Stay within eyesight and hearing distance of a teacher.

Lunchroom Procedures:

The students will enter the lunchroom in a quiet and straight line. They will stop at the lunchroom door until the teacher tells them that they may get their trays. The students will walk to their assigned table and sit down. In the lunchroom five minutes of music will alternate with 5 minutes of silence. During the music, no talking will be allowed. The students may talk quietly to their neighbor when music is not playing.

If a child eats a school lunch, I do not allow cookies, chips or candy to be brought into the lunch room, All food must be eaten in the cafeteria. Students are allowed to bring extra money for ice cream on Fridays only.

When it is time to go, the students will wait until the teacher dismisses them from the table. One student at a time empties tray or trash into the trash can, then proceeds to the window to place trays in a neat snack. Then they will line up quietly in front of the lunch room door on the squares.

Make sure that your child can open all food and drinks if lunch is brought from home. Please include a napkin and any utensils needed.

Lunchroom Rules:

1. Stand in line quietly when entering and leaving.

2. Stand still and face the front of the line.

3. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself when in line and at the table.

4. Walking feet.

5. Eat your lunch using good manners.

6. Keep voices low and whisper when music is not playing.

7. No talking when music is playing.

8. Clean up the area around you including table and floor before leaving the table.

Hallway Procedures:

Students are to walk on the blocks going down the hall. There is no talking and hands will be by their side. They must face forward at all times, in order to see when the line is stopping or walking. They may use a silent wave to greet teachers or friends in the hallway.

Bathroom Procedures:

The students may go to the bathroom anytime during the school day. If the bathroom door is open, it signals a vacancy. Only one student is allowed in line at a time. Each student must clean up after himself. If a student enters the bathroom and a mess is present, he should go to the last student and quietly inform that student to clean up the mess.

If a student gets up many times a day to go to the bathroom, he may be required to ask to go to the bathroom.

Bathroom Rules:

1. Use the toilet.

2. Use only the appropriate amount of tissue

3. Flush the toilet

4. Clean the seat and surrounding area

5. No singing, yelling knocking or kicking on wall

6. Wash hands or use hand sanitizer

Pencil Sharpener:

Students may not use the pencil sharpener. During morning work time, the students will place the pencil in “needs sharpening” box and retrieve two sharpened pencil from the sharpened box.

Lunch Money:

Lunch money is collected in the morning and placed in the Lunch Money Envelope with the child’s first and last name, lunch number, and amount. I do not allow students to purchase extra snacks from the lunchroom. The teacher or assigned student will take the lunch room envelope to the lunchroom.


All monies should be placed in a sealed envelope or Ziploc bag. Please place all money in the back sleeve of the Parent-Teacher Communicator folder with the following information written on it:

1. Student’s first and last name

2. The amount of money

3. The purpose for the money (lunch, field trip, snack, party, etc)

4. Teacher’s name

If money is sent in without the above information, the money will be returned to ensure it is being used for the correct purpose.


Birthdays are special occasions for young children and we want to celebrate these fun times. If your child wishes, he/she may bring treats for the class for his/her birthday. Please send a note a day or two in advance, so I can give you an exact number of children in the class. Treats will be eaten during our lunch period. Birthday invitations are permitted to be distributed only if all students are invited.

Changes in Transportation:

If you plan to pick up a child that normally rides the bus or you wish for your child to ride the bus home, you must send a written note. Do not rely on your child to tell me this information, because children often become confused and relay messages incorrectly. If a written note is NOT received, your child will be sent home by his/her usual method of transportation.

Dismissal Procedures:

The bus and day care students will be taken out by assigned teachers. Students, who attend Extended Day Care, will walk with the car riders to the cafeteria by assigned first grade teachers. The students who are car riders will be taken to the gym by the teacher when the first bell rings. They will sit along the first grade wall in the gym. The students will stay in the gym until his/her number is called. He/she will then walk outside and stand at the assigned post until his/her ride arrives for them.

Attendance Procedure:

Attendance will be taken every morning at 8:05. Any child arriving after 8:05 will need to report to the office to be marked tardy and receive a tardy pass to class.

Entering the Classroom Procedure:

Student’s will enter the classroom quietly and hang their book bags in their cubbies. The students will get out the orange Teacher – Parent Communicator folder and place on their desk. Any notes or money from home will be placed in a container on Mrs. Allison’s desk. Then the students will make their lunch selection. After completing these tasks, they will have a seat at their table to complete their “Morning Work” while waiting for the Morning News Show and school to begin. During this time children are encouraged to use the restroom and get water.

Home/School Connections

Parents will be provided with suggestions for in-home support correlating to state standards and school activities on a regular basis. These suggestions, along with other important information including field trips, birthdays, class activities, etc. will appear in the weekly Monday Memo. Family members are invited to be an active part of our community of learners. Parents are encouraged to share special skills and talents relating to jobs or hobbies, serve as classroom volunteers, assist with field trips, and special activities, collect materials for classroom, and join the PTA.

Communicating With Parents

The first grade program supports the development of children as lifelong learners through partnerships with each child’s home and family. Parents will be contacted throughout the school year and are encouraged to call the school (355-8000) or sent a note if a concern arises. Each family may receive:

1. Mrs. Allison’s Syllabus

2. Orange Parent Teacher Communicator

3. A weekly Newsletter describing class and school activities/events

4. Parent Teacher Conferences

5.. Skill Reports are sent home each quarter

6. Progress Reports are sent home around the halfway point during second, third and fourth quarters

7. Telephone calls or notes.

8. Written communication from various staff and PTA

9. Phone blasts

Communication between the teacher and parent are essential in the success of your child. If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to contact me. You can reach me by phone at school. The number is 355-8000. You can also send a note or send me an email at

Please, make sure your contact information is accurate and make sure your phone accepts all phone calls from the school. It is extremely important that staff at Robert E. Cashion be able to contact you in an emergency.