About Me

Hello, all! My Name is Mrs. Jackson and I am thrilled to be your Academic Literacy and English teacher this year! I was born in Massachusetts and grew up as an "Army Brat". I lived in Pennsylvania, California and Washington.

In 2014, I graduated Cum Laude from the College of Charleston with a dual degree in French/Francophone Studies and Foreign Language Education. From there, I moved to Texas to step outside of my comfort zone and start my teaching journey!

This is my 5th year teaching a variety of subjects including: French I, III and AP, English I, 7th grade writing, and middle school reading intervention. In addition, I have two years experience in leadership as 7th Grade Level Chair. During this time as Grade Level Chair, I managed discipline, interventions, field trips, team building opportunities, and communication with parents/involvement in the community.

I am currently in Graduate school for my Master's in Education at Liberty University to be a Reading Specialist.

In my free time, I work as a teacher for EF (teaching English to students in China via an online learning center), work at a local yoga studio, practice yoga, run, scrapbook and spend time with my family. You can see them in all the pictures! My husband, Joe and I have 3 dogs named Reese, Avery and Jack.

Random facts about me:

1. If I could be any animal, I would have the personality of an elephant while living as a flamingo.

2. My favorite movies are Matilda and My Girl.

3. My middle name is Sara. My sister, at the age of five, decided to tell my parents not to spell it with an 'h'... and they listened!

4. I struggled in math throughout schooling (and still do, sometimes!)

5. I ran a half marathon, of which Reese joined me for a mile.

6. My husband's great-great-great uncle is Shoeless Joe Jackson.

7. My parents used to make me wear a shirt with a crab on it when I was in a bad mood as a child. The shirt said, "I'm crabby!"

8. I studied abroad and did community service teaching students in Paris when I was a sophomore in high school.

9. When I was in 4th grade, I was pushed off the monkey bars and broke my wrist! Danny Glover signed my cast.

10. Although I am also a French teacher, French didn't come naturally to me in school! It took a LOT of hard work, studying, and time. The hard work is worth it, and it certainly paid off. Always celebrate growth!