About Me

My name is Amanda Haynes and I am excited to continue in my position as Instructional Coach. I have a passion for working with teachers that makes my job a joy every day. You could almost say that teaching is in my blood; I was raised by a mother that taught and many of my aunts, cousins, and even grandmothers were teachers. I have a BA in Spanish, an MS in curriculum, instruction, and assessment, and am certified in Early Childhood Education.

I am 54 years old, I have a husband, Jim, and two sons, Dillon (and wife Kayley) and Ryan. I was also given the gift of a granddaughter in the summer of 2020. She is a joy!

I have an absolute love of all things living; kids, pets, and plants. I have a garden every year, I have 2 dogs and 2 cats now. When not at home, my family can often be found at South Carolina State Parks. We love to camp and are trying for the Ultimate Outsider Challenge of visiting all 39 South Carolina State Parks.