Seventh Grade Syllabus
Contact Information: Señora Caldwell
Telephone: (864)355-7946 (voicemail)
COURSE DESCRIPTION (Focus and Purpose):
Aligned with the district's vision, philosophy, and goals for world language education, this beginner course introduces students to the second language through high-quality learning experiences. Not only do students gain an understanding of what it means to learn a new language, they also experience progress over time and are likely to be motivated to continue language study. Students learn enough language to ensure that they will not be total beginners when they take another course in the same language. The goal of this course is to develop some language competence. PREREQUISITE: None
Intro Unit Performance & Proficiency
Let’s Get Started
All About Me
Good Times: Celebrations Quarter
As a world language educator, my purpose is to help my students achieve the following goals while participating in the Fisher MS Spanish program:
1. To know that other cultures successfully exist without the English language.
2. To communicate at novice and intermediate levels when speaking, listening, reading
and writing in the target language.
3. To be comfortable and open-minded about the Spanish language and its respective cultures, thus
drawing comparisons between this language and cultures and the English language and cultures
in the United States.
4. To actively seek opportunities to use Spanish language and cultural skills in the community.
5. To connect Spanish learning to other academic disciplines.
Instruction will be based on the Greenville County Schools curriculum guide (found on the District Webpage) and the South Carolina Foreign Language Curriculum Standards. These standards can be accessed on the SC Department of Education website:
Beginner Spanish 7 Proficiency Benchmarks: Novice
At the end of Beginner Spanish 7, learners can consistently demonstrate the following levels of proficiency regardless of context:
INTERPRETIVE - I can identify the general topic and some basic information in both very familiar and everyday contexts by recognizing practiced or memorized words, phrases, and simple sentences in texts that are spoken, written, or signed. *End of Year Target - Listening Novice Low / Reading Novice Low
INTERPERSONAL - I can communicate in spontaneous spoken, written, or signed conversations on both very familiar and everyday topics, using a variety of practiced or memorized words, phrases, simple sentences, and questions.*End of Year Target - Novice Low
PRESENTATIONAL - Present information on both very familiar and everyday topics using a variety of practiced or memorized words, phrases, and simple sentences through spoken or written language.*End of Year Target - Speaking Novice Low / Writing Novice Low
INTERCULTURAL - In my own and other cultures I can identify products and practices to help me understand perspectives. I can interact at a survival level in some familiar everyday context. *End of Year Target - Novice Level
Note: Students will not always progress to a new proficiency level each year.
Students are assessed using both formative and summative assessments. Classwork assignments, tests, projects, group work, and quizzes will be included in these assessments. The district-wide grading scale is as follows:
100-90 A
89-80 B
79-70 C
69-60 D
59-0 F
Grades will be divided as follows for courses in World Languages in Middle School:
Modern Languages
(3) 50% Major grades (Tests, Projects) include 1 IPA & 2 additional assessments:
*All major assessments should assess each communication mode:
Interpretive Task: Demonstrate understanding of spoken or written text about a familiar topic
Interpersonal Task: Two way spontaneous spoken or written exchange about a familiar topic
Presentational Task: One way spoken or written presentation about a familiar topic
(8) 50% Minor grades (Classwork, Participation, Quizzes) include a balance of tasks in each mode:
Interpretive Tasks (2-3): Demonstrate understanding of spoken or written text about a familiar topic
Interpersonal Tasks (2-3): Two way spontaneous spoken or written exchange about a familiar topic
Presentational Tasks (2-3): One way spoken or written presentation about a familiar topic
No student will receive a grade below 50 in the gradebook for any individual assignment.
Student grades will be manually lowered to a 50 at the end of each quarter if the earned grade is below a 50.
Students receive quarterly report cards.
Students will need:
Charged Chromebook
Composition Notebook or Binder (to take notes)
All the school supplies that your child may need (like: Pens, pencils, markers, highlighters, etc.)
Google Classroom: This is the place to keep up to date with the classroom's events, homework assignments, helpful resources for your child and what your child will be learning this year. To my students, this site will help to keep you up to date on homework assignments as well as project and test dates.
Integrated Units: As students study different topics, (ie. Numbers), a connection to the particular subject will be made. Numbers will be taught as math problems. Links to social studies will be made as students learn about the history of Spanish speaking countries, etc.
Teaching Methods and Strategies: I provide world language instructions to my students composed of varied mini-lessons within a single class period to increase and maintain student interest. In the classroom, I use guided and pause-procedure lectures, collaborative pairs, guided and independent practice, mnemonic devices, readings, selective and random questioning, and research. Reading and writing are fundamental skills and concepts that promote success in education and self-actualization toward becoming a life-long learner.
Homework: Homework will be infrequent and very limited. Students should review the notes that are taken in class each day.
Makeup Policy: The makeup policy listed in the student handbook will be followed for this class.
I adhere to our school honor code and plagiarism policy. Cheating or copying of work belonging to another person is a violation of school rules as well as personal ethics. Both the lender and borrower will receive the minimum grade allowed on the work, and parents will be notified. Plagiarism is cheating and will be addressed as such. This includes language translators.
Examples of plagiarism include:
Copying and pasting from the Internet or copying directly from books or magazines without properly citing the source.
Copying another student’s work, turning in another student’s work, or having another student do the work.
Buying papers on the Internet or any other source.
Using Google Translate or any translation website to complete an entire assignment.
Parents, teachers, and students work together to promote learning. It is important for me to communicate with you on a regular basis concerning your child’s progress in learning required concepts and standards. Please feel free to call me at any time. Calls during the instructional day go directly to my voicemail. I will always respond within 24 hours. You can also reach me by email any time of day.
I am available for a conference before or after school hours.
Phone number : 864 355 7946
email : or