Greenville Elementary School 

Student Assistance Program

The Elementary Student Assistance Program (ESAP) team works to identify students who are troubled by social, emotional, or other concerns which pose a barrier to academic and overall school success. Students who are having difficulties at school or at home can be identified and referred for help.  The ESAP team works with parents and the students to provide accommodations and interventions to increase student achievement.   SAP is not a treatment program but an intervention program.  The ESAP team does not diagnose problems, but may refer students to outside assessment agencies and treatment programs.

SAP Team Brochure

Click on the picture to learn 

more about the SAP program

School Staff Referral Form

ESAP Referral Form

If you are not a member of the staff at the Greenville Elementary Schools but are concerned about a student, please contact a member of the elementary SAP team to make a referral.

SAP Team Members

Beth Schaller, Principal                      

Tim Strausser, Assistant Principal     

Sarah Pilolli, School Counselor         

Heather White, School Nurse           

Duncan Wingard, Teacher                

Kayla Hibbard, Teacher

Eric Hart, Teacher

Collee DeJulia, Behavior Specialist  

Erica Andryc, Mercer County SAP Liaison