The changes we made.

Here are some of the changes we made to help us have great mental health and well being.

What will you try?

A Healthy Body

Cosmic Yoga helped us focus our minds and strengthen our bodies. We enjoyed using Cosmic yoga to help us story tell and take us on an adventure with our yoga at home and school.

We took inspiration from Yoga with Adriene and practised in school and at home.

”I love to stretch all the way down”


Our Yoga Experience

The children loved practising yoga to focus their mind, be in the present and strengthen their bodies. The children were able to move their bodies into the different yoga positions and move to the relaxing music and stories.

Would you like to give yoga a try?

Daily Mile

See our blog post...

The children in EYFS took part in an active challenge. They all ran the daily mile to some extent and we couldn’t be more proud! Those little legs did so well! We even had a sneaky go on the track at running races too. The effort, determination and support for each other by such young children was overwhelming to watch.

”I did Joe Wicks at home with my brother. I was so tired!”


Joe Wick's 'P.E with Joe' inspired us and the nation so much over lockdown. His enthusiasm for getting active made us want to get active too! Have you tried P.E with Joe? Or tried some high intensity activity to get your heart pumping and feeling happy?

A Healthy Mind


The children used paint and bubble wrap to explore different textures and colour. Flick through the images to she what a wonderful time they had. Happy minds and happy hearts!

The children explored clay and how it can be used to progress and build models architectural designs. Flick through the images to see their amazing focus and attention.

Weaving and knitting with Josh Cartmell

Check out this video of our expert Josh teaching us how to weave using paper...

We wonder if you can have a go? How did it make you feel?

Mrs Hay Happy Craft.mp4

Check out our paper weaving inspired by Josh's video.

We found this a little tricky at first but once we got the hang of it, it was relaxing and therapeutic. Is paper weaving something you'd like to try to keep your mind happy and healthy?

”It was so tricky getting the paper under and over! But it looked pretty”


Inspiration from Kandinsky...

”I went round and round like that with my pencil”

Charlie C

Music was important to Wassily Kandinsky and music expressed to him in an immediate way the inner feelings of the soul.

Exploring Art and Music

'His belief is that abstract colours and forms can be used to express the “inner life” of the artist'.

Relaxation & Meditation

What is meditation?

Meditation isn’t about becoming a different person, a new person, or even a better person. It’s about training in awareness and getting a healthy sense of perspective. You’re not trying to turn off your thoughts or feelings. You’re learning to observe them without judgment. And eventually, you may start to better understand them as well.


After lunchtime each day the children began their daily meditation. Lights were turned low and quiet time began. This might have been going on an Moshi Monster adventure, listening to relaxing music or having ocean visualisations in order to relax our minds before our afternoon began. The children loved this quiet time and quickly became excited for it each day. Some of the videos we used to support our relaxation and meditation can be found here...

Our relaxation. Feeling calm during meditation.


Walking has lots of health benefits which we have learnt about through NHS online. Here are some of the reasons to get walking!

  • Strengthens the heart

  • burns calories

  • helps lower blood pressure

  • eases joint pain

  • boosts the immune system

  • boosts energy levels

  • improves your mood

  • tones muscles

And here are some easy ways to get moving...

  • walking part of your journey

  • walking to the shops

  • using the stairs instead of the lift

  • leaving the car behind for short journeys

  • walking to school

  • going for a walk with family or friends after dinner

The children loved getting out on walks this term and the teachers did too!

Miss Carter

Miss Vaughan

Mrs Hay

Miss Schon

Healthy Soul

Sound Therapy with karen White

The children had a wonderful time when our local relaxation expert, Karen came in to practise sound therapy. The children enjoyed taking the time to relax on yoga mats, listening to the different sounds of the instruments and feeling the effects it had on their body. Some children said it made them feel "tingly" and "happy". Check out our photos of the wonderful, relaxing time we had.

If you think you would like to try sound therapy, Karen's information can be found here:


The children had the grooviest time at their dance party!

The children loved moving to the music. It not only made their soul happy but their mind and body too!

Check out all the fun we had!

Would you like to have a dance party at home? Put on your favourite tunes and have a boogie around the kitchen.

How does it feel?

”I like to dance! Ballet is my favourite”

Ava D