Suzuki Speaks!

What is Suzuki Speaks!?

Suzuki Speaks! is the David Suzuki Foundation's public outreach initiative on all things DSF which has attended various events (from salmon festivals and movie screenings to book launches) across the lower mainland of Vancouver, BC, since the spring of 2011.

The Mission

The purpose of this public outreach is to provide the public with information on all of the foundation's projects and campaigns such as the BlueDot Movement, ButterFly Way Rangers program and #JoinThePod. The main message being that everything is interconnected. We are one nature.

Photos: Suzuki Speaks!

Suzuki Speaks! @ Schools the Pilot

Watch the videos below to see how the 30 minute (Fraser Academy) and 1 hour (Killarney Secondary) presentations went. The interactions with the youth were priceless and endearing. These presentations focused on hope and action and incorporated content from Al Gore's Climate Reality Project, GreenSeeds Music Society, and the citizen-driven BlueDot Movement.

The main topics covered were:

  • What climate change is
  • Who the David Suzuki Foundation is
  • What the DSF is doing, and
  • What you can do

What's NEXT?

What does the future hold for this project? Hopefully, more presentations at schools and an increased team of dedicated and passionate volunteers to make more Impact! We need everyone, everywhere, doing everything all of the time! We want to inspire everyone to take more action in caring for nature.

If this sparks an interest in you please contact:

Suzuki Speaks! @Vancouver Sustainability Conference April 29, 2019!

Erzsi opened the event with a 15 minute multimedia presentation. The Suzuki Speaks team (Paloma, Emma, Lynn and Erzsi) also hosted a workshops on:

  • Fast fashion
  • How to write a letter to the editor

Suzuki Speaks! @ Killarney Secondary School

On April 26, 2018, the Suzuki Speaks! team visited Killarney Secondary school during their Earth week activities and held two 1 hour long sessions for 235 grade 10-12 students covering topics of:

Suzuki Speaks! @ Fraser Academy

For the first of Suzuki Speaks! @ Schools, volunteers Emma Griffiths, Erzsi Institorisz, and Lynn Daoust went to Fraser Academy on Thursday February 22nd, 2018, to pilot a new format of 30 minute presentations to youth ages 9-17 (grades 2 to 12).