Cooperation and mutual aid and benefit
Reform global institutions
To achieve effective social change, we must weaken the dominance of the old systems, undermine their hegemony and roll back several of their rules and institutions.
We must delegitimize, stop, and deconstruct both the ideology and the institutions of globalisation embodied by the WTO and free trade and investment agreements. At the heart of the deglobalisation approach is the promotion of new forms of international and regional integration that preserve and allow the multiple dimensions of life to flourish.
Proposals for structural change (
set of policies, practices and investments)
Replace centralized global institutions with regional institutions built on principles of cooperation and mutual benefit not on free trade and capital mobility.
Advocate for economic global rules to be asymmetrical so as to favour the smallest economies and countries whose economies and agricultural sectors were weakened by transnational capital, colonialism and the interventionism of the superpower.