AMI Assignments

AMI Packet Assignments Health

Assignment Day 1

Write an 8-10 sentence paragraph on how the body uses different body systems to survive. Examples of the different body systems you can use to write about are the respiratory system, circulatory system, digestive system, nervous system and lymphatic systems.

Assignment Day 2

List 10 foods that fall into each of the 5 food groups. Proteins, Dairy, Fruits, Grains, and Vegetables. There should be 50 total foods and 10 under each category. Using the foods from that list create a day of meals breakfast, lunch, and dinner with 3 foods listed under each meal.

Assignment Day 3

Write an 8-10 sentence paragraph on why exercise is important to living a healthy lifestyle. In the paragraph describe three different methods that you can use to exercise. Some examples of different forms of exercise are walking, jogging, and playing sports.

Assignment Day 4

Write an 8 to 10 sentence paragraph on why healthy eating habits have a positive effect on your overall health and ways that you can practice healthy eating habits daily.

Assignment Day 5

Write a paragraph on how drug and tobacco use negatively impacts the human body. Explain the lasting effects that it has on the body and how using drugs and tobacco impacts others around the user.

Assignment Day 6

List 5 safety measures that should be used when in extreme warm temperatures. Along with this list 5 safety measures that should be used when outside in extreme cold temperatures.

Assignment Day 7

List 10 safety measures that should be used around the house. Along with this, write a paragraph and explain how the use of these measures help keep everyone safe who lives and visits the house.

Assignment Day 8

In a paragraph describe how we can prevent the spread of sickness and disease. Include information on steps that we can take as individuals as well as how we can prevent the spread of illnesses as a country.

Assignment Day 9

List 4 different ways that sickness and disease is spread among populations. With each of the ways explain how we can prevent sickness and disease from spreading in those manners.

Assignment Day 10

In a paragraph, explain the role that carbohydrates, fats, and proteins have in fueling and maintaining a healthy body. Along with this, explain how the information that is found on nutrition labels can help in following a healthy diet and maintaining a healthy body.