Mrs. Miller's Math Class

Suzanne Buckmaster-Miller

Ext. 314

5th grade math 

Hello, my name is Suzanne Buckmaster-Miller. I have my students refer to me as Mrs. Miller to make it easier to remember.  

What can you expect this school year in math?

Your child will be learning about place value (thousandths), fractions (add, subtract, multiply, divide), quadrilaterals, estimation (decimals and fractions), comparing numbers (decimals and fractions), measurement conversions (standard and metric units), area models, area and volume, graphing on the coordinate plane.

What can you expect to be different in 5th grade?

5th grade will be a big change from 4th grade.  Your child will be walking to classes on their own.  They will have to learn to organize their materials not only for math but for their other subjects, along with time management.

Students will have to maintain a notebook (5 subject) for homework and classwork.  I will be helping students to organize their work in their notebooks with homework and classwork.  Students will also be required to complete fill in notes.  I post the notes and homework on my Google Classroom.   

Will your child have homework?

Yes, your child will have homework.  Your child can expect to have homework Monday through Thursday.  The homework assignment might be 1 problem or 10 problems depending on the concept we are going over at the time.  Their homework may be one of our online math programs like; Khan Academy or Prodigy.  

Please do not let your child spend more than 20 minutes on homework if they are having difficulty.  If you child doesn't understand the homework after 20 minutes, they will still not understand it after 30, 40 or 60 minutes, so please stop them from working on the assignment.  If you notice that your child is having difficulty with their homework, I would like for you to encourage your child to reach out to me through email or talking to me in class the next day.  I'm asking for your help with this because I would like for your child to advocate for themselves.  This also helps your child with asking questions in class or during small group if they are not used to doing this before now. 

What if math is not your best subject, how can you still help?

You can help by asking your child to show you their notes from the day.  If they did not bring them home, ask your child to bring up Google Classroom on their chromebook.  I post the notes and homework assignment daily by 3 pm.  If I have not posted the notes, it's because I'm not in school that day.

If you have time there are videos that are posted on YouTube that go with each lesson.  If you type in Eureka Math grade 5 you will see videos made by Duane Habecker.  He goes over in detail about the lessons. There is a video for every lesson in every module.  

Where can you find your child's homework assignments?

All homework assignments will be posted on Google Classroom daily.