Storing TIME in a Capsule

Imagine leaving behind artifacts that would help someone 100's of years from now understand what life is like today!

Week 7 of Digital Learning

  • You will...

    • understand what a time capsule is

    • begin to journal your experience during this historic period

    • Start to think about what you might put into a time capsule that represents the Spring of 2020


What if Paul Revere and Samuel Adams, in 1795, would have left a time capsule behind to show us what life was like back then?


Read about it in the article in NEWSELA

Watch the news broadcast about the opening of the time capsule from 1795:

Student Journals for Time Capsule Project


YOU will be participating in the construction of a TIME CAPSULE that represents the

GMS Spring of 2020!

It has been quite a year so far! As we find ourselves "quarantined" because of the COVID 19 virus, we are living through an extraordinary "history" making period. To begin our work, we are asking you to keep a journal. You will find the journal in your Google Classrooms.

  • Please complete pages 1-5 in your journal for this week