Room 156 Monthly Digest

Check back for Room 156 Updates and Reminders!

  • September - A lot of getting to know you! A lot of intake exams and finding out what level we are all starting at....Not much time for anything else. :)

  • October -

    • Literacy: We are Reading the Book New Kid and working on new vocabulary, comprehension questions, and using to write our own books that we will be sharing soon. Each student will begin individual reading and literacy instruction to address IEP Goals.

    • Math: Our first project based unit of creating a Food Truck and focusing on money just wrapped up. At the end of the month, I will be sending home The Food Truck Money Unit Rubric that I will record each student's progress on the unit. We worked on estimation, making combinations, adding and subtracting money, and making change for customers. Each student brought their own set up skills to this unit, really embraced the challenge, and have a great starting place to continue our money unit. After their food truck pitch, which you can watch below, we had customers come and "order" from each student as well. This was a great start to our money instruction this year!

VID_20201021_085243 (1) (1).mp4
Mason Davies Food Truck
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