College and Career Virtual Office  

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Welcome to the College and Career Center. On site our office is room #249 B at the back end of the Library. Here you will find: 

Mrs. Pignato, College Coordinator #966-3105

The office fax number is (585) 581-8104

We have streamlined all the information within our office to best meet your needs virtually. Imagine walking into our office; anything you would need can most likely be found on this site. This Google Site will assist you in your college and career planning. Do not hesitate to reach out to Mrs. Pignato with any questions. 

We will also communicate through social media, Google Classroom, individual student emails and Maia Learning. Please make checking these sources routine so you do not miss pertinent announcements. 


As movement throughout the school is limited, the Career Center will offer appointments for students to come to the office. Students must create an E-Hall Pass to visit the Career Center in person or email the staff to request an appointment. Then receive a pass. Valid times to use are study halls or Titan Time. For seniors, you may also look to use late arrival and early release times.