We provide electronic fingerprinting by appointment for all educators through Live Scan.
To make an appointment, contact Gail McKinney, Instructional Administrative Assistant.
870-338-6461 or
Follow these steps to fully complete the requirements of your background check for the Arkansas Department of Education. Our office provides STEP THREE only, but all five steps must be completed for your background check to be completed.
Step One: Online Background Check Consent Form
Step Two: Background Check Payment
Step Three: Once you have completed steps one and two, schedule a fingerprint appointment. For your scheduled appointment, be sure to bring a printed copy of the completed consent form, a printed copy of the payment receipt (with the transaction ID number), and your driver's license/state-issued ID.
Step Four: Complete the Arkansas Child Maltreatment Central Registry Form Generator. You will receive a copy of this form in your provided email address.
Step Five: Upload the form to the Request for Child Maltreatment Central Registry site and make your payment.
Under "RESULTS SHOULD BE RELEASED TO", you can list the Contact Name as "ADE Licensure" and the email as
You can check your Employability Status here.
Great Rivers is located on the Phillips Community College campus behind the T&I Building. Fingerprints are completed in the Instructional Building (Building #4).
For more guidance on completing the steps above, view the videos below.
Guidance for Background Check

Guidance for Child Maltreatment Central Registry