Online resources

There are lots of uses of statistics and data out there on the internet, both good and bad. Below are just a smattering of places where you can find interesting data analysis.

Stastistical analysis of current events - These websites aim to connect and interpret the data you see in everyday life, through an analytical lens. On each site, the content quality widely varies from article to article, so you need to be critically evaluating each article on its own merits!

  • Big lies people tell in online dating. Some fun statistical analysis looking at how honest (or not) people are in the online dating world!

  • OKCupid Data blog. A blog filled with fun articles on statistical analysis applied to online dating. The link above is from this blog. There are some rather silly articles, but also some pretty heavy ones (dealing with race and honesty in the dating world) if you go back a ways in the archive.

  • FiveThirtyEight. A fantastic site for statistical analysis of politics, current events, and sports.

  • NY Times feature: "What's Going on in this Graph?" One graph per week that appeared in a NY Times article - some of the graphs are quite good, some are not as good - but usually they're interesting!

  • The Conversation - Articles about the significance of statistics in everyday life written by experts (professors of Statistics). More of a political slant than FiveThirtyEight in my view, but you may enjoy them!

If you discover some other good sites with statistical analysis that you find interesting, let me know!!

Bad uses of statistics