
For Honors in this class, I encourage you to explore: what mathematics are you curious to learn more about? Rather than having a fixed, standard option, I want students to consider their own interests and then propose an area of study that suits them. This can be an intimidating process, so here are some examples you might consider:

By no means is this list exhaustive! And by no means do you have to read a book! It could be a series of videos, or an online course, or...

How to do Honors: Agree with me on a subject area, book, or course of study. Send me an email telling me that you are pursuing Honors, and what your overall plan of study will be.

Example: "Hi Peter, this is Jim and I want to do Honors in Calc 2. We talked about me reading the book Measurement. Every progress report I plan to have read more of the book and have attempted at least 3 interesting exercises in the book. I'll include in the progress report which exercises I attempted, and either what solutions I came up with or, if I got stuck, what my overall approaches in the exercises were".

 Every 2-3 weeks a progress report on what you've accomplished in your studies needs to be submitted to me. There is no fixed goal except developing your mind, but it should be clear from every progress report that you've put in substantial time and concentrated thought (at least 2-3 hours) that past couple weeks developing your knowledge in your chosen area.