Mr. Wells Video
Mr. Wells Video

Week Three: April 6- April 9

1. This week we will be practicing long division using the box method. Please follow the steps below in order.

2. Click Mr. Wells on the left to watch me teaching a lesson to help you.

3. Open the Youtube video on the left to see Mr. Wells explaining the steps.

4. Click here to learn about the words you need to use in division.

5. Click here to see the steps written out for you.

6. Math Practice: In Google Classroom you will see an assignment called Math Practice Week 3. When you open this document you can type your answers or you can draw the boxes on paper and write your answers out with a pencil. You will also see an online Division Form to complete and submit.

7. Click here to play a Math Facts Game. Make sure you click the ‘Present” button on the top right of your screen to play the game.

8. Click here to enter and explore the interactive games for division.

A link to last week's assignment can be found here: (Week 2)