Teacher Traveling Companions

Dakota Bahlau

Dakota Bahlau took over leadership of the Grass Lake Schools Travel Club in 2016-2017.  She is a fifth-grade teacher at George Long Elementary.  Dakota is very excited to take on this new adventure and cannot wait to begin.  She has traveled with the Travel Club to Costa Rica,  Ireland, and Spain, Greece, Italy, France, Swtizerland, and Germany.  She is ready to head to the next destination wherever that may be:)

Personally, Dakota has traveled to a few places here and there including Ireland, Spain, Belize, Kenya, Borneo, France,  South Africa, India, and  Bhutan.   On the home front, she has traveled all over the nation.  She has worked on a ranch in Wyoming for 10 years, skied the mountains of Colorado, rafted down the New River in Virginia, completed the 484-mile Colorado trail on foot, and hiked the Grand Canyon Rim 2 Rim .

"I am always looking for another adventure.  I cannot wait to experience these new exciting places with my fellow warriors," states Dakota.

Email: dakota.bahlau@grasslakeschools.com