Lives Engraved in Slate

Quarrymen of Granville

About This Project

This project was planned in conjunction with the Slate Valley Museum and 

inspired by the work of Carwyn Rhys Jones. Sarah Kijowski sparked interest in a collaboration and arranged meetings with the interviewees. 

Ann O’Brien has done oral history projects with her students in the past, but the focus on the slate industry has allowed her ninth grade honors class to bring a new perspective to the project, as well as an interconnectedness with not only the art department, but the community.   

Working with the Slate Valley Museum has allowed for interviews that may not have been possible without that connection.

Todd Houston’s photography class has utilized a double-exposure technique similar to that used by Jones. This allows for a silhouette-like image to then be overlaid with the textural photos taken of slate, making for a unique final portrait. 

Mikenzie Monroe’s graphic arts class has helped to combine both the written and photographic pieces by creating and applying a layout for the final posters. 

Mary Bucciero, the Granville High School library media specialist, has supported various phases of project and guided the research component necessary for documenting this collaborative creation. She has also created a website to allow for virtual access to this project. 

Special thanks to the interviewees for speaking about their own histories and having their photographs taken!