Digital Tools & Strategies for Blended Learning

Digital Tools for Blended Learning

As you create blended learning opportunities, there are a vast array of tools that can you can utilize to deliver instructional content and activities. In blended learning situations, digital tools can be utilized to perform the following tasks:

Transform Learning with Digital Tools and Content

In moving toward a blended learning environment, you will want to examine how you are using digital tools and the online components of your lessons to support and hopefully transform student learning. Two models can assist you in evaluating your approach to technology integration: SAMR and TPACK. The SAMR model considers four levels of integration: substitution, augmentation, modification, and redefinition. The TPACK model addresses the interaction of technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge and how they relate to teaching in a technology-enhanced learning environment.

Learn more about the SAMR Model:

Learn more about the TPACK Model: