Cyprus Tennis Faces Off Against Hunter High

Aidan Gonzalez April. 23, 2024

Luis Gonzalez & Frank Weah During Tennis Match At Hunter High School, April 18, 2024

Cyprus Tennis Faced Hunter High School on April 18, 2024, This Match Up although may not have been a rivalry was something they looked forward to in conference play since the last time these two teams met Cyprus had lost. This match was played at Hunter Highs tennis courts where Cyprus had won 4-1. Cyprus Tennis are 4-4 in region play and have 2 remaining games on the regular season until region tournament 

Cyprus Tennis Player’s Luis Gonzalez & Frank Weah talk about thoughts going into their match Against Hunter Tennis Players Callaway Kluge & Ethan Mcdonald, “Well we were thinking about how we lost to Hunter a couple matches ago, We came into this match with deep desire to win, We were thinking we should destroy Hunter.” 

Gonzalez was frustrated about losing to Hunter High in the past match, but Gonzalez & Weah had a strong desire and determination to win. Gonzalez & Weah did not let the setbacks get to them in any way and gave it their all in this present matchup, and in the end although they came out with a win, they did not let it bother them and are looking forward to the next game.

Gonzalez on what the plan was going into this match, “The plan was to figure out what they’re good at and what their weaknesses are.” Gonzalez Also States, “If we could figure those things out we would only really need to exploit those weaknesses and stay consistent with our plays”

Gonzalez & Weah did just that in today's matchup, although the first set was a bit rough they had both started to read what their opponents were doing and catched on to it pretty quick, They had more of the advantage as they were the more of a defensive double than Kluge & Mcdonald.

An Adjustment Gonzalez thinks he and Weah should have made throughout this match, “I think an overall adjustment that could’ve been made was less talking, The only reason is because I feel like we were talking so much it could’ve been perceived as disrespectful.” 

Gonzalez believes that they may have talked too much throughout the sets, although they were doing a lot of talking, it shows communication between the two teammates and they were just focused on the game and overall just winning even if it is perceived as disrespectful.

Hunter Tennis Player Aysan Sanaphanh thoughts on the match against Cyprus Tennis Player Myles Martin, “In my mind I was thinking about what I was going to do to win and different strategies to beat him. I also needed to have a good mental game to win the match.”

Sanaphanh was prepared for this match against Martin, he had the correct mindset going into this game and was overall ready to face his opponent, it was a dominant win over Martin, Sanaphanh saw his opportunity and took it, Sanaphanh won the match 8-0, “A Bagel”.

Sanaphanh’s plan when going against Martin, “I knew that he wasn’t going to be very good, no offense to him, when we were warming up I saw his foot work and it wasn’t very good and he doesn’t really get his serves or groundstrokes in.” Sanaphanh Also Stated, “Because of that I either just let the serves go out or when they did go in I would hit the ball really hard so he couldn’t return it or just far away from him.” 

Although Martin did not have the greatest match, Sanaphanh’s game plan and IQ really was the game changer in this matchup. He took what he had and really just went with it. Martin will soon improve since he is only a sophomore. These two teams may meet again in the region tournament coming after regular season play.