Magna Main Businesses 

Lilly McLean Nov. 21, 2023

Colosimo's Magna Main after the march 2020 Earthquake

Historic Magna Main has had many businesses over the years come and go, but many have stayed. Beardall's Bakery, Colosimos, We Witches Three, and The Crystal Sanctuary are just a few of the businesses that are currently up and running on historic Manga Main. Many of the businesses have been there for decades and many are just opening.

 Beardall’s bakery is a great example of an up and coming business on Magna main. They sell delicious products that range from huge cinnamon rolls to loafs of bread for very affordable prices. When asked about why they chose to start a business in little Magna,  one of the owners of the self proclaimed Ma and Pop shop stated they “really like the close community and small town feel”. I also asked if there was anything she wanted to say to the community and she said “thank you, thank you for all of the support.” Not only does the town extremely love their treats but so do the highschool students. They have been open for three and a half years and plan on many more on Magna Main. 


Colosimos opened in 1923  and is run by a generation of Colosimos. This location in Magna was opened in 1961 and they are currently celebrating 100 years of business. Danny Colosimo was able to tell us more about the business. The original owners were immigrants from Italy and chose to open a Colosimos in Magna because a lot of the population of the early mining town was immigrants from Italy. When the same question was asked 'What would you like to say to the community of Magna?’ Colosimo Said “Thank you, Thank you for always thinking about us, when the  earthquake hit we had many people call and offer us money to help pay for the damages.” We also talked about support from the community and I learned that not only is the Magna community very supportive but also the Wasatch front and West valley. Colosimos is a big part of Magna and will hopefully be here for many years to come.