Spirit Week At Cyprus High SchoolDaniel Martinez  May 9, 2024

Some events happening during Spirit Week. 

Koda Morfine  is a student and member of the Student Body President. He talked about his opinion on Spirit Week At Cyprus High School.  His favorite thing about Spirit Week is seeing  how other students express themselves and show that their grade is the best grade. At the end of the 2nd week we have an assembly where most students get together and compete in certain games. During the week there are certain things you dress up as depending on the day. Koda also participates in this activity, He dresses up throughout the week and will also be cheering on people in his grade.


Showing pride for what grade you are in is what Spirit week is all about. People get to show off their excitement and energy for Spirit Week. During the assembly one of the games that is played between the students is tug of war. Many people like this game because it is an opportunity for the  students to show off their strength. Members of the student body officers are the ones who get to choose these activities for the rest of the school to enjoy. Koda was asked, “ Why do you think Spirit Week is something that is done at the school”. He said that “ Cyprus High School is  a very competitive school, we use spirit week to demonstrate what each grad brings to the table”. This is a good reason because when  students get  bored  at school, these activities are what help keep students entertained for a short period of time. 

Koda continues to express how important Spirit week really is. He also thinks that with the school work kids need to do, it is also good to have time off of it and have fun with other students and staff members. Having little breaks like these help students rest a little, from all the stress students have to deal with at school. One of the promles Koda has seen with Spirit week is that there are still a lot of people who don’t participate in Spirit Week. There is still a decent amount of students who actually participate in the Spirit Week activities, but there could also be more. Having more people would help bring the students closer together and experience new things with new people. Koda also thinks that there should be more events and activities like the ones going on during Spirit Week. Many people participate and enjoy the Spirit week assembly.


It would be a good idea to have more activities like Spirit week so that students would socialize more with the school and other students. Overall the experience of Spirit Week should be enjoyed by every person at Cyprus High school. It is a good way to destress yourself from school or other worries and struggles that happened in life. It is also a great way to meet new people. There are also so many people working together on things like Spirit Week together. Students could always try and help each other to make these events more fun and memorable. Especially for the seniors at Cyprus High School, your last year of high school is more important than you think. Many people think that they will never miss high school or that they just want to finish school already. But once you're out of high school you're gonna miss having these different experiences with other students. People should always enjoy their time in high school, and if they find it boring or frustrating, events like Spirit week could help them have a better or different high school experience.