Reading & Spelling

Wonders This link will take you directly to your Granite Portal. Your user name is your 9 number and your password is the one you created. The next thing you will do is go to the Wonders tile and click on To do. The book will be available to read and the packet materials will be ready. Please note that you can do other activities on this site as well.

Spelling City The student has a spelling and vocab test due Friday, March 27th. Your user name is your 9 number and the password is spell (all lower case spell).

This week is the same routine as normal :) You will read "Your World Up Close" pg. 352-359 Students will understand antonyms, summarizing, expository texts, and sequencing. Students will do their spelling words in ABC order with 10 words in cursive; Vocab. with word, definition, synonym and pic; Sp. packet, and U5W4 packet (pg 231 vocab, 233-235 comp/flu, 236 genre/expository, 237 antonyms, 238 controlled r sound, 240 write to source).

Unit 5 Week 4

Sp. Controlled r sound

On-Level Beyond Level

1. grocer 1. grocery

2. pepper 2. professor

3. barber 3. barbershop

4. grader 4. grammar

5. polar 5. polar

6. tanker 6. tractor

7. singer 7. composer

8. enter 8. ranger

9. odor 9. odor

10. collar 10. collar

11. zipper 11. waiter

12. powder 12. powder

13. danger 13. danger

14. cheddar 14. cheddar

15. popular 15. popular

16. harbor 16. harbor

17. anchor 17. anchor

18. elevator 18. elevator

19. daughter 19. daughter

20. victor 20. victory


cling = to stick closely to something

dissolves = to pass into a solution with a liquid

gritty = contains very small bits of sand or stone

humid = moist or full of water vapor

magnify = to make something look bigger than it really is

microscope = a device for looking at things that are too small to be seen with the naked eye

mingle = to mix or come together

typical = show qualities or characteristics of a certain thing