How My School uses Word Gen Weekly

My school had a focus on improving reading comprehension and literacy in ALL content areas. We use the weekly readings school wide in our Advisory class. Advisory is daily (Monday-Thursday) for 35 minutes. We taught our staff the basics of the FAB 4 (reciprocal teaching).

Basic Lesson Plan (takes 2-3 days at 30 min)

  1. Intro Topic (build background) & Engagement

  2. Make Connections (or Predictions)

  3. Clarify and Teach Vocabulary or Activity

  4. Read Passage

  5. (Discuss & Write questions)

  6. Write Summary (or T-chart)

  7. Take Comprehension Check (3-4 questions)

  8. Review past vocabulary on Quizlet or activity

Supporting Teachers

The biggest issue with doing something like this in Advisory is that many teachers don't have time for another prep.


  • Word Generation has a teacher's edition for every topic that gives discussion questions, ways to teach vocabulary, a math and science problem using the vocabulary, a debate and opinion writing activities.

  • We have an advisory committee that a few teachers shared the load of looking for resources for teachers for each topic. Teachers committed to 15 minutes of weekly prep if our group provided the following each week.

    1. created a pdf (kami) version that includes FAB 4 activities along side of the one page text.

    2. created weekly (canvas) quiz of 3-4 questions based on vocabulary and identifying evidence.

    3. found 1 or 2 videos that built background or presented both sides of the issue

    4. included 1 or 2 different vocabulary teaching strategies or activities

    5. included 1 or 2 engagement activities to have students practice writing, organization, collaboration, inquiry, and reading skills.

    6. listed 5-6 discussion questions

Example unit 2.06 - What it looks like to support teachers!

Student View

Teacher Resource Page